Cartography curriculum
TR-c03Prepress 1
IV. grade 1. semester -- Weekly lessons: 0+2 -- practice mark -- Credit: 2
Responsible: Márton Mátyás -- Lecturer: Szekerka József

Detailed curriculum of the subject
1. week Introducing photolab equpment and their applications. Optical terms, photo optics, Lightsources, light feeders.
Working conditions in the lab.
2. week Introducing cameras, shooting.
Types and properties of graphical films.
3. week Elaborating shaded films.
Concept of developing, types and components of developers.
4. week Elaborating shaded films.
Concept of developing, types and components of developers.
5. week Magnifying and elaborating shaded images.
6. week Magnifying and elaborating shaded images.
7. week Shooting linear drawings with AVZ-56 reproduction camera (scaling own map symbols)
8. week Theory of contact copying, creating copies and negatives.
Retouching, checking and fixing negatives.
9. week Theory of contact copying, creating copies and negatives.
Retouching, checking and fixing negatives.
10. week Theory of contact copying, creating copies and negatives.
Retouching, checking and fixing negatives.
11-14. week Creating contakt positive copies, grid rotation
15. week Supplementing practices.
Recommended reading:
  • Horvai-Stáhl: Nyomdaipari fototechnika
  • Buzás Ferenc: Reprodukciós fényképezés a nyomdaiparban
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