Cartography curriculum
TR-b03 Social and Ecogeography 1
II. grade 1. semester -- Weekly lessons: 2+2 -- exam+practice mark -- Credit: 4
Responsible: Draskovits Zsuzsanna -- Lecturer: Vidéki Imre, Németh Sarolta

Detailed curriculum of the subject
1-14. weeks More important characteristics of the Earth's population. Languages and religions. Settlements, settlement network. Process of urbanisation. Importance of agriculture, social and natural factors. Importance of agriculture in the world economy. Agriculture of the Equatorial zone, savanna and monsoon zones, dry and wet subtropical zones, temperate zone, dry and cold zones . Basic elements of population. High and low population density. Characteristics of the villages, formation of cities and agglomerations. Urban functions. Basics elements of agriculture. The agro-ecological potential. The world's forestal zones.
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