Cartography MSc - Curriculum

Subject: Cartographic visualization 1
Credits: 2+2
Type of the course Lecture Practical Consultation
Credits 2 2  
Hourss/week 2 2  
Testing Exam Practical  

Definitions of cartography. Cartography as a scientific discipline, the theory of cartography, the place of cartography in science.
The connection between the definitions on map and cartography. Cartography in the information society: analogue and digital maps.
History of scientific visualization, visualization of space-related information (geovisualization). Functions of maps and changing map use. Types of maps and cartographic practice.
Modes of representation and data types. Analogues and digital cartographic representations.
Spatial orientation, way-finding, navigation. Spatial categories, frames, coordinate systems.
Perception, vision and visual space. Spatial cognition. The development of the category of space and spatial representation. Spatial representation in art, science and mass media. Infographics.
Cognitive and mental maps. Spatialization.
Geographical ontologies and map objects. Scale and spatial hierarchy.
Object-related information: spatial coordinates, temporal and attribute information.
Cartographical modeling. Accuracy, completeness, actuality. Measurement, rate and scale.
Graphic and conceptual generalization. Object groups and cartographic sign system.
Cartosemiotics. Time in cartographic representation. Animation and temporal scales.
The representational space in cartography. Maps and cartographic representations. General graphic constituents of maps.
 The importance of interaction in visualization. Multimedia and multimodal cartography.

  • MacEachren, A.M. – Kraak, M.J.: Exploratory cartographic visualization: advancing the agenda. In: Computers & Geosciences, 23 (4), 1997,

Suggested literature
  • Tositomo Kanakubo (ed.): The Selected Main Theoretical Issues Facing Cartography: Report of the ICA-Working Group to Define the Main Theoretical Issues on Cartography,   Cologne: International Cartographic Association.
  • M.-J. Kraak – F. Ormeling: Cartography: Visualization of Geospatial Data. Longman, London, 1996.
  • Hake, Günter, Grünreich, Dietmar: Kartographie. Berlin, de Gruyter,
  • Zentai László: Számítógépes térképészet. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 2001
  • Robinson, A.H., R.D. Sale, J.L. Morrison and P.C. Muehrcke: Elements of Cartography, 5th ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1984.
  • Klinghammer István – Papp-Váry Árpád: Földünk tükre a térkép. Gondolat, Budapest, 1983.
  • Gombrich, E. H., Művészet és illúzió. Gondolat, Budapest, 1972
  • Ulrich Neisser: Megismerés és valóság. Gondolat, Budapest, 1984.
  • Edward Hall: Rejtett dimenziók. Gondolat, Budapest, 1987.
  • Tufte, Edward R.: Envisioning Information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 1990.

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