Cartography MSc - Curriculum

Subject: Cartographical relics of ancient American cultures
Credits: 2
Type of the course Lecture Practical Consultation
Credits 2    
Hourss/week 2    
Testing Exam    
Topics American ancient civilizations 1 (Aztecs)
American ancient civilizations 2 (Mayas and incas)
Geographical names in nahuatl and maya languages
References about cartographic knowledge of people from North and South America  
Discovery and conquest of the New World: worldmaps of the Discoveries: Juan de la Cosa, Colon brothers, Cantino
References about the precolumbian Aztec cartography.
Mixing and use of the European and Aztec map concepts in Mexico
Analysis of maps drawn in Mexico between the XV. and the XVII centuries
Scientific and pseudo scientific theories about this theme
Cartographic teaching for aboriginal people in Brazil
Famous map collections on the Web
  • Woodward, David és Lewis, G. Malcolm: The History of Cartography, Volume 2, Book 3: Cartography in the Traditional African, American, Arctic, Australian and Pacific Societies. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1998. 500 o. ISBN: 978-0-226-90728-4
  • Mundy, Barbara E.: The Mapping of New Spain, Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geográficas. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1996. 281 o. ISBN: 0 226 55096 6
  • González García, Pedro: Archivo General de Indias, los archivos espanoles. Lunwerg Editores, Madrid, 1995. 328 o. ISBN: 84 7782 365 0
Suggested literature
  • Longhena, Mária: Az ősi Mexikó, Officina ’96 Kiadó, Budapest, 2002. 292 o. ISBN: 963 9026 95 6
  • Longhena, Mária & Alva, Walter: Az ősi Peru, Officina ’96 Kiadó, Budapest, 2002. 292 o. ISBN: 963 9026 96 4
  • A témához kapcsolódó honlapok

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