Cartography MSc - Curriculum

Subject: 3D modelling in GIS
Credits: 2
Type of the course Lecture Practical Consultation
Credits 2    
Hourss/week 0    
Testing Exam    
Topics Weeks 1–2: Concepts and theoretic base of 3D modeling. Types and the “scale” of 3D models. Data and objects in the model. Types of different modeling applications, and the usage of 3D models in the Earth sciences.
Weeks 3–4: Hierarchical management of data. Data management systems of the 3D model and their functionalities. The source and the management of primary data. Converting raster into vector and further into numerical data or converting raster directly into numerical data. The structure of GIS databases.
Weeks 5–6: The 2D GIS base of the 3D model. GIS topology types. Connection between the sub-systems. Data mining, classification and the analysis of the data.
Weeks 7–9: The modeling procedure. Classification of 3D modeling methods. Comparison of the raster and vector based data-model. Simple and complicated irregular models.
Weeks 10–11: Simple and complicated regular models. The concept of tessellation. Processing and storing the data of a grid. Calculation of the value of grid points. The concept of scalar-space and vector-space.
Week 12: The medium, and the requirements of the visualization. The conceptual 3D model. Models in the virtual space. Tools for visualization and querying.
Week 13: Own work, practice, consulting.
Suggested literature  

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