Mobility program for Brazilian students
(available for incoming Erasmus students in cartography)




WebGIS programming

Mátyás GEDE


Class summary
Developing WebGIS applications using OpenLayers and MapServer.
(topics are not necessarily equal to lessons; some of them may require more than one lesson)
1.         Introduction: structure of WebGIS architectures. The role of OpenLayers and MapServer.
2.         JavaScript fundamentals (if necessary).
3.         OpenLayers basics: displaying maps on web pages; Map and Layer objects; base layers and overlays.
4.         Raster layer types and their typical usage: OSM, Google layers, WMS, Image layer.
5.         Vector layer. Types and properties of vector features. Populating vector layers. The WFS protocol.
6.         Controls: retrieving feature information using WMS or WFS. Popups.
7.         More on controls: Drawing, measurements. Geocoding using Nominatim.
8.         MapServer basics: the Mapfile; layers and classes; providing WMS and WFS services
9.         Classification using expressions, basic styling. The role and use of projections.
10.       Labels, symbols.
11.       Scale-dependent visualization. Designing concepts of multi-scale map services.
12.       Data sources: shapefiles, other GIS formats; geodatabases. Free public data sources.
Student project
Create web map application of a smaller region of special interest.