Mobility program for Brazilian students
(available for incoming Erasmus students in cartography)




Cartographic visualisation



Cartographic visualization and communication. The definitions of maps and cartography.
Artistic and scientific representation of space. Media and representation.
Geographic ontology and cartographic representation. The concept of scale and the spatial representation. 
Cartographic modeling. Object information: spatial coordinates, attributes and temporal information. Symbolization and carto-semiotics.
Legend: groups of objects and categories of symbols. Graphic and conceptual generalization.
Representational space in cartography. Functions of cartographic representation. Maps and map-related forms of representation.
Proposition and expression. The elements of visual communication, the construction of images.
The structural organization of maps: horizontal organizations.
Vertical hierarchy.
Representational space in digital environment: network-based services, dynamic representations. Abstract and virtual spaces.

Maps in mass media, infographics. Cartography for tourism and propaganda.