Mobility program for Brazilian students (available for incoming Erasmus students in cartography)
Automations in cartographic generalization (theory and programming)
Zsuzsanna UNGVÁRI
Principles of the generalization: points, lines, polygons. Relations with the different map features.
Scale, data density and generalization. Generalization operator.
Basics of the Python programming: variables, operators, lists, iterations, functions, statements, working with text and binary files, modules.
Line generalization: the most important generalization algorithms in practice. Their usage in GIS software (QGIS, QGIS Generalizer module, Global Mapper, ArcGIS). Theory of each algorithms. Programming on vector data: Nth point, radial distance, perpendicular distance, Douglas-Peucker algorithms.
Theory of contour line generalization, coastline generalization, river generalization, topology safe generalization on border lines. Bezier curves.
Reading and writing GeoJSON, and Shapefiles with Python and OGR.
Generalization of point features.
Generalization of area features. Methods for area preserving generalization. Building generalization.
3D DEM-s. Reading in GIS software. Free available DEMs, and their use. Expoting in raster formats. Basics of 3D DEM generalization on SRTM data (image filtering). Generallization of hill shading. Reading and writing ASC files and GeoTIFF with GDAL in Python. Creating contours in GIS software (QGIS, Global Mapper)
Create slope and aspect maps in GIS software, or with computing and programming in GDAL for Python.