GRI HAS is an important workshop of thematic mapping in Hungary. All the three scientific departments of the Institute are involved in map design as maps are sources, intermediary and final products (epitomising research results). Maps are produced both by the traditional method and by computer-assisted techniques.
At the Department of Physical Geography a database has been being built using topographic and thematic maps. Through manipulation of the assembled data catchment scale soil erosion modelling and mapping is carried out. Query on the studied areas (a subcatchment of Lake Balaton and another one on the Danube-Tisza Interfluve) is made using GIS techniques. Similarly, environmentally sensitive areas are identified and ground water modelling is performed.
Case studies prepared by the Department of Geomorphology have dealt with problems of hazardous waste disposal (primarily that of radioactive wastes of minor and moderate activity) and thematic mapping has served these purposes. Geomorphological surveying and mapping of alternative disposal sites (three locations in Hungary) was carried out at a scale of 1:10 000. Apart from the above applied studies the trend of fundamental research includes works on updating the Geomorphological map of the Carpatho-Balkan Region in international co-operation. The department takes part in applied urban geographical studies, too, e.g. of changes in ground water conditions in a district of Budapest owing to urban development in general and the hazard posed to the construction of underground garages in particular.
A traditional field of study of the Department of Social and Economic Geography is ethnic geography with a special reference to the Carpathian region, a topic which several books and articles have been devoted to, with many map inserts. An Ethnic Map of Transylvania was published in 1997- using computer-assisted procedures - by the Department of Cartography GRI HAS based on the 1992 census data and containing historic outline with an extensive explanation on the reverse. A similar ethnic map of Slovakia is under preparation. Also studies in geography of religions, elections, industry, crime, tourism, (international) migration, unemployment, transport and telecommunications were richly illustrated by maps. Some of these investigations are part of comparative urban studies on eastern-central European cities (Warsaw, Cracow, Prague and Budapest) in international co-operation. A mental map survey of Hungarian secondary grammar school pupils' image on Italy was executed in 1998.
A nation-wide survey has been carried out to support investigations as preparation of Hungary to join the European Union. Water management problems, transport conditions and touristic potential were outlined and illustrated on respective maps by alternative Euroregions of the country, according to the requirements of the Union.
Last sheets of supplementary series of the National Atlas of Hungary covered environmental problems using a 1992 database and were published in 1996. Computer-assisted editing and design, fair draught and colour separation were the responsibility of the Department of Cartography, scanning and printing were done by Cartographia Ltd. Works on the Atlas have been cancelled due to lack of financial support. Information on the National Atlas of Hungary was presented on the meeting of the ICA Commission of National and Regional Atlases (Bassa, L. Farkas, Z. and Keresztesi, Z.: National Atlas of Hungary: Recent Developments. Proceedings of the Seminar on Electronic Atlases II., Prague, July 31-August 2, 1996, ICA Comm. on Natl. and Reg,. Atl.).
The management of the GRI HAS kept on making significant investment in computer hardware (workstation, PCs, scanner) and software (Arc/Info) during the inter-congress period. Now the Department of Cartography is one of the best equipped workshops in computer mapping in Hungary. Due to these investments graphic quality of recent GRI HAS publications such as books in English: Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin (1995), Seismic Safety of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant (1997), Ethnic Geography of the Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin (1998), Windows on Hungarian Geography (Studies in Geography in Hungary, vol. 29, 1998) and of the richly illustrated periodical of the Institute (Geographical Bulletin) has increased considerably.
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