Historical Overview
The department is the only place where one may obtain an advanced (university or college) degree in cartography in Hungary. Founded in 1953 as a part of the Faculty of Sciences of ELTE, its first class of cartographer students graduated in 1957. Students of geography, geology, geophysics and meteorology, who had also taken up cartography in their syllabus after their second year of study, obtained the title of "Cartographer univ." after a three-year course in cartography. This curriculum scheme was valid until 1982. The independent five-year cartographer course was introduced in 1988, whose syllabus was dramatically modified in the early '90s with the inclusion of computer technology. A postgradual PhD course of 6 semesters has also been offered since the early '90s.
The department moved to a new site in 1998 following the completion of the campus of ELTE.
Members of ICA Commissions and their major publications:
István Klinghammer, Professor and Chair, member of the ICA Commission on Education and Training
Klinghammer, I.: A föld- és éggömbök története (A history of terrestrial and celestial globes), Eötvös Publisher, Budapest, 1998, pp. 108, 89 illustrations
Klinghammer, I. - Pápay, Gyula - Török, Zsolt: Kartográfiatörténet (A history of cartography), Eötvös Publisher, Budapest, 1995, pp. 189, 75 illustrations
Klinghammer, I.: Magyarország térképi ábrázolása (Cartographic presentations of Hungary) In: Magyarország földje, Pannon enciklopédia, Kertek 2000 Publisher, Budapest, 1997, pp.20-38, 41 illustrations
Klinghammer, I.: Die Notwendigkeit und die Ziele eines Europa-Atlas (The need for and objectives of an atlas of Europe), Kartographische Nachrichten, Bonn, 1996, Vol. 46, No. 4. pp. 133-137.
Klinghammer, I.: - Gercsák, Gábor: Földrajz, távérzékelés, térképezés (Geography, remote sensing, mapping) in: Földrajzi Közlemények, Budapest, 1996, Vol. CXX(XLIV), No.4 pp. 271-275, 5 tables
Klinghammer, I.: A magyar térképészet Lázár deáktól napjainkig (Hungarian cartography from Secretary Lazarus to the present) In: Magyar Tudomány, Budapest, 1997, Vol XLII, No. 9, pp. 1037-1056, 4 illustrations
Dr. Zsolt Török, member of the ICA Commission on Map Theory.
Török, Zs.: Salaam Almásy. The biography of László Almásy. Eötvös University Press, Budapest, 1997.
Török, Zs.: The beginnings of Hungarian cartography. In: Karátson D. (Ed.): The land of Hungary. Pannon Encyclopaedia. Kertek 2000, Budapest, 996, pp. 20-25.
Török, Zs.: The map of Lazarus and the beginnings of modern cartography. In: IMCoS Journal No. 71. pp. 5-9.
Török, Zs.: Voyages on paper: Early modern representations of geographical space and the age of discoveries. In: Vasco da Gama. Homens, Viagens e Culturas - International Conference, Lisboa, 1998, pp. 25-26.
Coronelli-Török 110 cm diametre terrestrial globe 1996 (The new edition of Vincenzo Coronelli's 3 1/2 feet diametre terrestrial globe of 1688 produced by the original technology.)
Dr. László Zentai, member of the ICA Commission on Visualization
Zentai, L.: Számítógépes térképészet (Computer cartography). Source material ITC, NL.: modules jointly developed by ITC/CSLM (College of Surveying and Land Management, Hungary) and partially funded by PHARE HU 94.05, Székesfehérár, 1997.
Zentai, L.: Magyar helységnév-azonosító szótár (Glossary of Identified Hungarian Placenames with maps). Talma Publisher, Baja, 1998, pp. 936, 64 maps.
Zentai, L.: (some maps of) Atlas of leading and 'avoidable' causes of death in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Hungarian Central Statistical Office Publishing House, Budapest, 1997.
Zentai, L. et al.: (maps, project manager) Tardy, János [ed.]: Magyarországi települések védett természeti értékei (Protected national monuments of Hungarian settlements). Mezőgazda publisher, 1996.
Dr. Reyes Nunez, member of the ICA Working Group 'Cartography and Children'.
Reyes Nunez, J.: (some maps of) Atlas of leading and 'avoidable' causes of death in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Hungarian Central Statistical Office Publishing House, Budapest, 1997.
Reyes Nunez, J.: (some maps of) Európa regionális természetföldrajzi atlasza (Regional atlas of physical geography of Europe). Eötvös publisher. Budapest, 1998.
Reyes Nunez, J.: (some maps of) Ázsia regionális földrajza (Regional geography of Asia). Eötvös publisher. Budapest, 1998.
Reyes Nunez, J.: 35 maps as illustrations in various issues of the weekly "Élet és Tudomány" in 1997 and 1998.
Reyes Nunez, J.: "Cartographic Education of Children in Hungary: Experiences and Ideas". In: Proceedings of the Joint Seminar on Maps for Special Users, pp. 149-153. Wroclaw, Poland, 1998.
Dr. Mátyás Márton member of the Commission on Marine Cartography.
With a cooperation of the Commission on Marine Cartography of the International Cartographic Assocaiation the Department of Cartography of the Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) works are underway on the Multilingual Gazetteer of the Geographical Names of the World Ocean. Since 1992, seven students have written their master's thesis on this theme. At present Associate Professor dr. Mátyás Márton and PhD student András Dutkó, are working on this gazetteer.
The following parts of the gazetteer have been completed so far: - the small-scale maps of the World Ocean, showing the undersea relief; - the list of the names of the different seas and bays, used in different languages; - a list of the names of the different classes of undersea features, used in different languages; - a multi-level system of undersea regions; - the list of the different names of the undersea features. This list contains the names of about 5000 features and it is due to be extended continuously. This list and the multilevel system of undersea regions can be read on the World Wide Web.
We intend to make an interactive map of the undersea geography of the World Ocean. We want to publish our results on a CD-ROM.
With a cooperation of the International Hydrographic Bureau dr. Mátyás Márton and András Dutkó work on the English/Hungarian version of the Standardization of Undersea Feature Names at our Department too. The work is almost ready.
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