Photos: final exam -1997

23-24 June 1997

Batke Annamária
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Tropical diseases in Africa

Erdei Beatrix
Title of M. Sc. thesis: The city network of the Carpath-Pannonian region (together with Horváth Zsolt)

Hájos Rita
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Examination of accuracy of digital base map of foresters

Horváth Zsolt
Title of M. Sc. thesis: The city network of the Carpath-Pannonian region (together with Erdei Beatrix)

Janzsó Viktória
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Maps of natural paths

Kovács Péter
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Pocket tourist atlas of Eger

Mag Éva
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Hungarian castles

Rácz Szabolcs
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Intelligent car navigation systems: GPS/DGPS and digital maps

Zachar Tamás
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Hungarian exonimas / Hungarian exonimas of administrative names

Horváth Zsolt and Erdei Beatrix.

The committee: Klinghammer István (leader) and Draskovics Zsuzsanna.

Members: Klinghammer István, Ringhofer János, Zentai László.

Members and guests: Márton Mátyás, Neményi Istvánné (Cartographia), Földi Ervin, Szekerka József.

Members: Karsay Ferenc, Györffy János, Hajdú-Moharos József.

Party after the exams provided by our graduated students.


Action in the party:
Erdei Beatrix, Mag Éva, Batke Annamária, Kovács Péter, Karsay Ferenc.

Action in the party:
Horváth Zsolt, Zentai László, Síkhegyi Ferenc (MÁFI), Becker László

After the exams.

After the exams: students, teachers, guests.

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