Final exam of cartographers (1986)

25th June 1986

Kis Attila
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Situation of environment protection in Dunaújváros

Kiss András
Title of M. Sc. thesis: City atlases

Kovács István
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Cartographic representation of Karst features

Kováts Zsolt
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Evaluation of relief based on digital terrain modells using personal computers

Kriván Lajos
Title of M. Sc. thesis: The Development of settlement signs on the maps from the 1st Military Mapping

Jesús Reyes Nuñez
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Historical map of siege of La Habana in 1762

Pataky Csilla
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Possibility of using Thematic Mapper satellite images in renewal of topographic maps

Repisky Mátyás
Title of M. Sc. thesis: 1:400000 scale map of Hungary: natural protection

1986. December

Caridad Cabrera Patiño
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Making of city maps

Cuban students of cartography: Caridad, Emil, Jesus

Apple gathering in Szabolcs county: Jesus and Kiss Attila


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