Final exam of cartographers (1985)

June 1985

Babcsán Gábor
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Mapping of cliffs and high mountains

Csillag Ferenc
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Agricultural and landuse mapping by processing of satellite image by computer

Futó Éva
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Dinamics of changes of karstic water level in Bakony mountains

Mészáros Sándor
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Foretelling of outflowing water of winter moisture in the cathment area of Zagyva river using remotely sensed data

Motyovszky Tibor
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Using Landsat satellite images in examination of water quality in Lake Balaton

Nagy Éva
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Thematic map of district doctor zones in Budapest (together with Szabó József)

Orgoványi András
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Environment protection maps and their legend using a sample of Lake Izsáki Kolon

Pentelényi Antal
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Hydrogeochemical atlas of Hungary

Pétery Kristóf
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Making cartograms by personal computers

Pólya Péter
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Examination and representation of effects of Nagykunsági-főcsatorna to the underground water

Szabó József
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Thematic map of district doctor zones in Budapest (together with Nagy Évá)

Türi Béla
Title of M. Sc. thesis: Environment protection of Balaton
Atlas - plan

Repisky Mátyás (graduated in 1986) and Orgoványi András on an excursion

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