General facts about Hungary
(based on official statistics)

Area:93 030.03 sq. km
Population (2008) 10 045 401
Percentage distributionMales - 47.9 %; Females - 52.1 %
Capital (2008): Budapest (1 702 297)
Number of counties:capital (23 districts),
19 counties,
23 towns of county rank
The highest peakKékes (1014 m)
The deepest point to the south of Szeged (75 m)
Altitude above the sea level (below 200 metres)84 per cent
Altitude above the sea level (200 to 400 metres)14 per cent
Altitude above the sea level (above 400 metres)2 per cent
Largest lakeBalaton (598 sq. km)
Major rivers (Hungarian section)Danube (417 km), Tisza (598 km),
Rába (190 km), Zagyva (179 km)

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