Publication list: Zentai László

Conference papers

Csemez Gábor-Prajczer Tamás-Zentai László: "Obstacle-free mapping services"
In: Proceedings of the Symposium 2004 Location based services & Telecartography
Bécs, January 28-29, 2004,185-188. o.
ed. Georg Gartner

Zentai László: "Experiences of compiling CET modules"
In: Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference - Cartographic Renaissance
Durban (Dél-afrikai Köztársaság), August 10-16, 2003
ISBN 0-958-46093-0 (CD-ROM)

Zentai László: "Maps of the CD-ROM: multimedial history of Hungary and Finland"
In: Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference - Cartographic Renaissance
Durban (Dél-afrikai Köztársaság), August 10-16, 2003
ISBN 0-958-46093-0 (CD-ROM)

Zentai László-Gercsák Gábor: "The role of topographic maps in cartography teaching"
In: Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course
held at Beijing (China), August 9, 2001 and Helsinki (Finland), May 28, 2002
Moscow State University, 72-76. o.

Jesús Reyes-Zentai László: "Térinformatikai oktatás az ELTE Térképtudományi Tanszéken"
In: Térinformatika a felsooktatásban szimpózium I-X. (1992-2001) CD-kiadványa.
Budapest, 2002.

Zentai László: "CET module: graphic file formats and conversions"
In: Proceedings of the Intercarto8 International Conference - GIS for Sustainable Development of Territories
Szentpétervár (Oroszország), 31 May, 2002
231-33. o.

Zentai László: "Development of orienteering maps' standardization"
In: Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference - Mapping the 21st Century
Beijing (China), August 6-10, 2001
ISBN 7-5030-1018-5
Volume 4, 2753-2759. p.

Zentai László: "Internet: past, present, future"
In: Proceedings of the Seminars on Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course
held at Budapest (Hungary), February 4-5, 2000
and Apatity (Russia), August 22-24, 2000
Moscow State University, 2001
ed.: Vladimir S. Tikunov, 10-17. p.

Zentai László: "Atlases (three Hungarian samples)"
In: Proceedings of the Seminars on Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course
held at Budapest (Hungary), February 4-5, 2000
and Apatity (Russia), August 22-24, 2000
Moscow State University, 2001
ed.: Vladimir S. Tikunov, 91-101. p.

Zentai László: "Desktop mapping and GIS in the web era"
In: Proceedings of International Conference Intercarto 6 (GIS for Sustainable Development of Territories)
Russian Academy of Sciences, Kola Science Centre, Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems
Apatity, Russia 2000.
ed.: V.S. Tikunov, G.V. Kalabin, T.D. Makarova, Volume 1. 65-68. p.

Zentai László: "Orienteering maps toward 2000"
In: Proceedings of the Joint Seminar on Maps for Special Users
National Committee of International Cartographic Association, Polish Academy of Sciences, Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography of Poland, Agricultural University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 1998.
ed.: Jacqueline M. Anderson, Ewa Krzywicka-Blum, 165-168. o.

Zentai László: "A térképészet lehetőségei a www-n (Possibilities of cartography on WWW) "
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban '96 - Networkshop '96
Debreceni Universitas, 1996. ed.: Bakonyi Péter, Herdon Miklós, 1156-60. o.
on CD-ROM too, ISBN 963 0470 28 4

Györffy János - Zentai László: "Eastern Europe Atlas of "Avoidable Death""
In: Conference Proceedings of CAMP '94 , September 13-15, 1994., Budapest, 90-94. p.

Zentai László: "Digital facsimile? - Atlas of Central Europe"
In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Electronic Atlases
ICA-ELTE, Budapest, 1993. ed.: Zentai László, Ferjan Ormeling, Klinghammer István, 37-42. p.

Klinghammer István - Zentai László: "Introduction - Some thoughts on the questions discussed at the joint meeting of three ICA commissions"
In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Electronic Atlases
ICA-ELTE, Budapest, 1993. ed.: Zentai László, Ferjan Ormeling, Klinghammer István, 7-10. p.

Zentai László, Ferjan Ormeling, Klinghammer István (szerk.): "Proceedings of the Seminar on Electronic Atlases"
ICA-ELTE, Budapest, 1993. szerk., 184 p.

Zentai László: "Producing Thematic Maps using Graphic Software on IBM PC Compatible Computers"
In: Proceedings of CAMP '92 Conference, September 8, 1992., Budapest, 21-25.

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