AGILE (Association Geographic Information Laboratories Europe)
The mission: To promote
academic teaching and research on Geographic Information Science by representing
the interests of those involved in GI-teaching and research at the national
and the European level, and the continuation and extension of existing
networking activities.
Education Working Group: At
the Second European seminar on GI education (EUGISES) in Budapest the
issue was raised to start a working group on GI education within the AGILE
structure. At the 4th AGILE meeting in Brno, April 2001, the objectives
and deliverables of the Education WG have been discussed. The contact
person of this Working Group is Dr. Wolfgang Reinhardt (Germany).
FIG Commission 2 - Professional
Education Chair of FIG Commission 2
The mission statement:
Methods and content of
education: To develop and promote learning and teaching methods and
content of curricula with special emphasis on university level, high
technology - based education.
Interaction between academia
and practice: To stimulate interaction between university education,
research and practice so as continuously to develop educational curricula
and enable surveyors to put into practice the results of research
and development.
Academic and professional
profiles: Through the promotion of continuing professional development
(CPD) and the practical application of research, help surveyors continuously
to update their academic and professional profiles.
Accessible knowledge:
To approach surveying education to countries and people with difficulties
to access to usual learning methods by new technology (Virtual Academy).
Educational links: To
establish all over the world, but mainly in the third one, liaison
groups to facilitate educational joint works, projects, etc.
Cooperation: Education
of surveyors is not only a duty of FIG or Commission 2; strong links
of collaboration must be established with the sister organizations
and our own Commissions.
Working Group 2.1
- Virtual Academy
Working Group 2.2
- Curricula Models and CPD
Working Group 2.3
- Mutual Recognition
Working Group 2.4
- Knowledge in Spatial Information Management
Working Group 2.5
- Capacity Building in Land Management
To implement the purposes
of the International Geographical Union as defined in its statutes
to promote geographical education around the world.
To enhance the place of
geographical education in school, higher, vocational and community
education, to develop higher international standards in geographical
education, and to improve its status, role and image in school and
university education, by disseminating the International Charter on
Geographical Education and the International Declaration on Geographical
Education for Cultural Diversity.
To develop an international
research culture to conduct both local and cross cultural investigations
into issues of concern in geographical education.
To investigate and develop
environmental education and education for development.
To Investigate ways technology
can enhance geographical education.
To develop the www-site
of the Commission with internet standars and with refereed material.
To colloborate with other
IGU Commissions to produce high quality teaching and learning materials
incorporating research based pedagogy.
To develop the capacity
for citizens in all countries to increase awareness of geographical
education as an important medium for promoting an active and informed
citizenry and more fulfilling life.
To improve communication
amongst geographical educators across the world to anhance the Commission
on Geographical Education as a community of scholars, and to promote
and contribute to the scholarship of teaching in geographical education
at all levels.
ISPRS (International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
VI: Education and Communication
Terms of reference:
Promotion of education
and training at fundamental, advanced and professional levels
Promotion of technology
transfer, taking into account regional needs and resources
Development of computer-assisted
teaching and training, and distance learning
Development and promotion
of communications with and between members and other international
organizations through the Internet and other appropriate electronic