CET Reports
Commission on Education and Training, 09/1999-08/2003

1). Name of Commission: Commission on Education and Training
The Commission on Education and Training (CET) of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) is the standing commission designated to help improve and further cartographic education and training worldwide. Its membership consists of ICA member nation representatives engaged in cartographic education. According to its terms of reference agreed upon at the International Cartographic Conference of the ICA in Barcelona in 1995 it will work mainly on improving cartographic education in developing countries, improve continuing education and try to integrate cartography programmes with other educational programmes in the mapping sciences. According to its current program it tries to reach the goals stated in the terms of reference by organizing seminars and workshops, by producing publications, lists of cartography course programmes, and structures for continuing education in cartography. Last years the work of the commission was connected with the INTERNET CARTOGRAPHY TEACHING PROGRAM and included the development of teaching modules for the Internet Cartography Teaching Program by members of the commission, with the assistance of other commissions of the ICA. To help realize the full potential of Cartography and the GISciences as applied sciences in society, short-term training courses were planned. This was done in cooperation with other ICA commissions and working groups and the education commissions of sister societies united in the International Union for Survey and Mapping (IUSM) like FIG, ISPRS and IAG.

2). Chairman - Prof. Vladimir Tikunov (Russia)

3). Co-chairs: Assoc. Prof. Laszlo Zentai (Hungary), Dr. David Fraser (Australia),
Members: Prof. Roger Anson (UK), Prof. Olayinka Balogun (Nigeria), Prof. Francois Bouille (France), Dr. Ute J. Dymon (USA), Prof. Hans-Uli Feldmann (Switzerland), Prof. Vesna Ikonovic (Yugoslavia), Mr. Kei Kanazawa (Japan), Peter Keller (Canada), Korycka-Skorupa Jolanta (Poland), ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kretschmer (Austria), Mr. Jaime Maya (Colombia), Mr. Wolfgang Meissner, Prof. Myron Myridis (Greece), Rufino Perez G?mez (Spain), Prof. Jan Ketil Rod (Norway), Dr. Drora Pakula Shlomi (Israel), Wanarat Thothong (Thailand), Doc. Dr. Necla Ulugtekin (Turkey), Prof.RNDr. Vit Vozenilek (Czech Rep.), Prof. Liu Yaolin (China), Prof. H L Zietsman (South Africa).
Corresponding members: Miguel-Angel Bernabe (Spain), Prof. James R. Carter (USA), Prof. Shosuke Hosoi (Japan).
Other affiliates: Cherie Northon (USA).

4). Terms of Reference

Last years the work of the commission was connected with the INTERNET CARTOGRAPHY TEACHING PROGRAM and included the development of Internet Cartography Teaching Program, and also the preparation of separate chapters by members of the commission, with the attraction of other commissions of ICA. preparation of separate chapters by members of the commission, with the assistance of other commissions of the ICA. To help Cartography and the GISciences reach their full potential in science and society short-term training courses were planned. The following themes were considered for the training courses:

" Development of the Internet Cartography Teaching Program and the first modules.
" Development of a similar program for the GISciences and the first modules for it.
" Continuing education training courses on cartographic and GIS concepts.
" Seminars for developing educational material on new trends.
" Promotion of distance education and the teaching of cartography and the GISciences throughout the Internet.


5). Activities according to the terms of reference
During the last 4 years the work on preparation of structure of the training course was carried out. A number of its sections, which are presented, in particular, on the site http://www.geogr.msu.ru/cet were elaborated. Assemblies of the commission were organized in Budapest (1999), Apatity (Russia, 2000), Beijing (2001), Helsinki (2002) and Novorossijsk (2003). As a result three proceedings of these meetings were published. The last one is represented in full on the site of the commission in the Internet. The site of the commission reflects both the history of its work and the modern condition, the information on conferences etc. Earlier the site was completely absent.
With respect to the Terms of Reference, the following types of activities can be distinguished.
Internet Cartography Teaching Program was developed. Some chapters under this program were created. As an example for discussion by the members of the commission some bases modules were submitted on the site of the commission and were accessible through secure input of a name and password.
To help Cartography and the GISciences reach their full potential in science and society the first variant of a GIScience textbook was created. Its authors were 33 chief experts from the countries of the former USSR. The volume of the textbook is about 1400 pages and is written in Russian. Its translation into English (probably as a reduced version) and completion by members of the commission and other experts is planned. Translation to other languages may follow.
New curriculums for practical appendices Cartography and GIScience for the sustainable development of territories are being developed.
The first short-term training courses on the application of methods of Cartography and GIScience for sustainable development of territories have been organized and will run during June, 2003. The system for computer training of "representations of the cartographic image" (as one of the themes of a cartography course) has been created and has already attracted training students of the Black Sea branch of the Moscow State University (Sevastopol, Ukraine) and from the Moscow State University in Moscow through the Internet. This system will be shown to participants of the next InterCarto conference in June, 2003.


6) Seminars/Workshops
- Budapest, Hungary, Seminar on Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course, February 4-5, 2000.
- Apatity, Russia, Session on Teaching Cartography and GIS for Sustainable Development of Territories, held during InterCarto VI, August 22-24, 2000.
- Beijing, China, Seminar on Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course, August 9, 2001.
- Helsinki, Finland, Seminar on Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course, May 28, 2002.
Future Seminars and Workshops
1. The Session on Teaching Cartography and GIS for Sustainable Development of Territories, held during InterCarto IX, Novorossijsk, Russia, Sevastopol, Ukraine. June 25-29, 2003.
2. ICA CET Meeting. August 15, 2003. Durban, South Africa.


7). Publications
Proceedings of the Session on Teaching Cartography and GIS for Environmental Mapping, held during Intercarto IV, Barnaul, June 1998. Published in 1999.
Proceedings of the Seminars on Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course held at Budapest (Hungary), February 4-5, 2000 and Apatity (Russia), August 22-24, 2000, published in 2001.
Proceedings of the Seminars on Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course held at Beijing (China), August 9, 2001 and Helsinki (Finland), May 28, 2002, published in 2003.

8). Business Meetings
The Sessions, held during InterCarto International Conferences "GIS for Sustainable Development of Territories": Yakutsk. June 17-19, 1999; Apatity. August 22-24, 2000; Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. July 30- August 1, 2001; St.-Petersburg. May 28-June 1, 2002; Novorossijsk, Sevastopol. June 25-29, 2003.


9). Future of the Commission
o To produce an ICA-sponsored Internet cartography teaching programme (modules), with regional workshops for training the teachers.
o To produce an ICA-sponsored Internet programme for continuing education, with regional workshops for teacher training.
o To promote integration by establishing linkage with the committees on education of sister surveying and mapping disciplines, by producing a list of institutions providing cartography course programmes, and interact as much as possible with other ICA commissions and working groups (organize joint meetings).
o To encourage and support the involvement of student cartographers in the commission's activities to make the cartographic education and training more effective.
o To run a "refereed" seminar on the latest developments in cartographic education and training at each international cartographic conference.

Vladimir Tikunov