Commission on Education and Training, ICA

Am Iflenacker 7, 44287 Dortmund, Germany





  1. The qualifications after the training as cartographer are appreciated by the countries of the EUROPEAN UNION (eu)


1.1 The activity of the association includes a single market that removes all obstacles among the member countries (Contract when the EU was established, version from October, 2 1997, Art. 3.1c)

1.2 A mobility of the employees is granted within the association (Art.39.1).


  1. National decentralised educational policy in EU



2.1 The member countries decide the educational policy and how the training is organized

2.2 The consequences are different national educational systems, qualifications and different diploma or certificates


  1. Thesis


3.1 Different national educational systems and different certificates aggravate the international appreciation of diplomas.

3.2 The result is  no equal opportunities and no professional mobility                      


  1. The situation:

       Cartographic education and training in Germany



Distinct fields of opportunity to the cartographic profession.

4.1 apprenticeship as cartographer

4.2 study at the Polytechnic / qualified graduate-engineer for cartography

4.3 study at a university / qualified diploma in engineer for cartography

4.4 bachelor or master of cartography


     The following report refers to the apprenticeship as cartographer (draughtsperson/technicians)


  1. Education and training for cartographic technicians


In Germany the federal authority for education Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung has the task:

to define the job possibilities concerning

5.1  the job title

5.2  the profile

5.3 the length of training


  1. The dual training system


6.1 Training places:

„in house“ training in an office

vocational school


6.2 The development and the length of training are administered


for the manual facilities by a curriculum of the management.


for the theoretical knowledge by a curriculum of the vocational school.









  1. Field of activity


7.1 Cartographers work in public service, private engineering consulting firms or in publishing companies.

7.2 they visualize geodata:

they collect and update spatial data, using analogue and digital techniques to get topographical maps,

thematic maps and applications of mapable information as well as graphic design and multimedia products.


  1. Occupation and required skills


Cartographers must be able to:

8.1 evaluate source material for cartographic presentation and plan the design of maps and presentation graphics;

8.2 advise clients in the design and realization of cartographic products, select the appropriate production route and plan work flows;

8.3 collect, manage and edit area-related data;

8.4 convert data for use in maps with various themes, presentation graphics and multimedia products;

8.5 supply the edited data for use in a variety of media;

8.6 use information and communication technology.


  1. Survey 2002 in the EU on the education and training as cartographer


9.1 appreciation of the training

9.2 entrance qualification

9.3 job title

9.4 institutions for the training

9.5 length of training

9.6 field of activity

9.7 required skills

9.8 age entering the training

9.9 certificates

9.10 entrance salary



10.    Results of the survey 2002


- in the German-speaking-countries: Austria, Switzerland, Germany

- in the countries of the EU

- in countries that want to become member of the EU


10.1 Results in the German-speaking section:


appreciation of the training

entrance qualification

institutions for the training

job title

field of activity

required skills


differences in

length of training

entrance salary



Examples of the results in the German-speaking section:


job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training by the government:  yes

entrance qualification:  Public-School

institutions for the training: dual system -  public organisations or private firms and vocational school

length of training: 3 years

age entering the training: 19 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  1.300 €


job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  public school

institutions for the training: dual system -  public organisations or private firms and vocational school

length of training: 4 years

age entering: 21 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  2.400 €





job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  public school

institutions for the training: dual system -  public organisations or private firms and vocational school

length of training: 3 years

age entering: 21 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  1.400 €


10.2 Results from the countries of the EU

Three sorts of replies:

Equivalent training with the German-speaking countries

Deviations concerning the cartographic education

No traditional draughtsperson, only academic qualifications as bachelor and master


Equivalent training with the German-speaking countries:



United Kingdom



Examples of the results from the EU countries:


job title: mapping- and surveying technician

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  grammar-school or public-school and vocational training

institutions for the training: college of advanced technology

length of training: 2 years

age entering: 21 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  2.600 €



job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  public school

institutions for the training: dual system – vocational school and organisations

length of training: 3 years

age entering: 22 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  1.650 €




United Kingdom

job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  secondary school

institutions for the training: Government mapping, charting agencies and College of Technology

length of training: 2 years

age entering: 18 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  no answer



job title: cartographer technician / drawing

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  public school

institutions for the training: dual system -  public organisations or private firms and vocational school

length of training: 3 years

age entering: 19 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  665 €


differences / deviations:



There is only training in Paris



The education and training is not appreciated by the government



No traditional training as draughtsperson / technicians.

The management asks for higher qualification.

Result: academic qualification.



No traditional training as draughtsperson / technicians.

The management asks for higher qualification.

Result: academic qualification.



Traditional training until 1990.

The management asks for higher qualification.

Result: academic qualification.




Examples of the results from the EU countries:


job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  secondary school

institutions for the training: dual system -  public organisations or private firms and vocational school

length of training: 2 years

age entering: 19 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  no answer










job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   no

entrance qualification:  secondary school

institutions for the training: IGM (vocational) school

length of training: 2 years

age entering: 19 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  1.160 €















   a specific cartographic education and examination does not exist

job title: mapping- and surveying technician

appreciation of the training:   no

length of training: no answer

age entering: 21 years

certificates:  no

starting salary:  no answer







Norway  (until 1990)

job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes, until 1990

entrance qualification:  secondary school

institutions for the training: private or public firms

length of training: 3 years

age entering: 19 years

certificates:  no

starting salary:  2470 €








   a specific cartographic education and examination does not exist

job title: mapping- and surveying technician

appreciation of the training:   no

length of training: no answer

age entering: 21 years

certificates:  no

starting salary:  no answer


No traditional training, only study as bachelor, master, doctorate:








10.3  Results of countries which are on their way into the EU

Three sorts of replies:

Equivalent training with the German-speaking countries

Deviations concerning the cartographic education

No traditional draughtsperson / technicians, only academic qualifications as bachelor and master






Equivalent training with the German-speaking countries:




Examples of the results of countries which are on their way into the EU:



job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  vocational grammar school

institutions for the training: dual system -  public service or private firms and vocational school

length of training: 5 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  200 €



job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes

entrance qualification:  public (elementary) school

institutions for the training: dual system – cadastral offices or private firms and vocational school


length of training: 5 years

age entering: 19 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  400 €





Czech Republic:

They accept the training with the dual system, but since the development to the digital computer-aided cartography academic qualifications are required.


Examples of the results of countries which are on their way into the EU:

Czech Republic:

job title: cartographer

appreciation of the training:   yes

length of training: 3 years

certificates:  yes

starting salary:  no answer








No traditional training, only study as bachelor, master, doctorate:



  1. Conclusion


10.1 The training within the EU demands:

comparable training systems with


their operational module,

their common training standards,

certificates which will be acknowledged by all EU states


10.2 Further education demands:

concepts consisting of different modules,

which will enable students to learn to get to know innovative methods and further techniques while working as cartographer,

each module will be certificated.


  1. Development and aims


Entering in an increasing international competition

there is a demand for education and training to realize


equal opportunities


on the labour market in the European Community.


Today we can find this problem of job mobility versus diploma requirements on a global scale as well.


I hope, that by highlighting the differences between the national cartography programmes we can find a way to realize more equal opportunities on a global market.