Commission on Education and Training - Newsletter, October 2008
The Commission on Education and training aims to provide ICA member countries with information and news relating to cartographic education and training around the world.
1. Membership
2. Up-coming events
3. The Commission on Education and Training website - selected content
4. Reports from member countries on cartographic education
5. Contact details
Back to the CET website
International Cartographic Association

1. Membership

Australia                       - David FRASER
Colombia                      - Lilia-Patricia ARIAS
Czech Republic             - Vaclav TALHOFER
France                         - Elisabeth CHESNEAU
Greece                         - Myron MYRIDIS
Hungary                       - László ZENTAI
Indonesia                      - Martha SUKENDRA
Russia                         - Irina ROTANOVA
Spain                           - Urbano FRA PALEO
Turkey                          - Necla ULUGTEKIN
USA                             - Cherie NORTHON

Corresponding member:
Australia                       - Gita PUPEDIS
Great Britian                 - David FORREST
France                         - Daniel D. K. TOSSOU
Hungary                       - Antal GUSZLEV
Israel                            - Drora PAKULA SHLOMI
Israel                            - Tamar SOFFER
Norway                         - Terje MIDTBO
Spain                           - Rufino Perez GOMEZ
Switzerland                   - Christian HÄBERLING
TFYR Macedonia          - Aleksandra DIMITROVSKA
The Netherlands            - Connie BLOK
USA                             - John C. KOSTELNICK

2. Up-coming events

January 19-22, Prague, Czech Republic

Education and Training Commission meeting
in conjunction with the Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management Symposium

15-21 November - Santiago de Chile (CHI)
24th International Cartography Conference and CET meeting

2010 - The Netherlands

The CET as offered to contribute to the ITC's education seminar being held in 2010 to celebrate the 60 year anniversary of this educational institution.

3. The Commission on Education and Training website - selected content

Undergraduate cartography courses listing from around the world

Information on courses containing cartographic content. If you wish your country to be represented here or updated then please contact the CET.

Cartography teaching modules to be found on the Internet

A work-in-progress which provides a structured environment into which on-line modules on cartography can be accessed for continuing professional development. Further contributions gratefully received.

Academic papers

A repository of academic papers pertinent to cartographic education and training. Please feel free to send the CET any papers for inclusion here.

4. Reports from member countries on cartographic education

Cartographic education and training courses: Unfortunately, there are no full programmes in cartography in the Netherlands anymore. There are, however, programmes in geoinformatics, geography, GIS, etc. that incorporate varying amounts of cartography/geodata visualization. For an 
overview: see under Undergraduate Cartography Courses, and scroll to the Netherlands.  
Career prospects for cartographers: Cartographers are employed by the government (national, provincial, municipal), research and educational institures (like ITC in Enschede) and a broad variety of private companies, such as Teleatlas and TomTom.  
Professional organizations for cartographers: GIN (Geo-Informatie Nederland), 
(Compiled by Connie Blok)


Cartographic education and training courses: 8 schools of university type offer cartographic and geoinformatic education - University of West Bohemia { }, Czech Technical University in Prague { }, Charles University in Prague }, Masaryk University in Brno { }, University of Defence in Brno { }, Brno University of Technology { }, Palacky University in Olomouc { } and The VSB - Technical University in Ostrava {}  (list from west to East)

Professional organizations for cartographers:
In our country we have two main professional organisation:

Career prospects for cartographers:
Cartographers are employed by the government as well as private companies (focused on cartographic production - SHOCART - , Kartografie -, etc. as well as on GI production or services - GEODIS -,  T-Mapy - ...).

(Compiled by Vasek Talhofer)


Cartographic education and training courses: There are cartography courses offered at several institutions in the U.S.  See for a list of university cartography labs and information on classes.

Career prospects for cartographers:  In the U.S. cartographers are employed in federal, state, and local governmental agencies as well as many of the map firms such as:  Lonely Planet, AAA, Rand McNally, DeLorme, Moon Publications, and many people do freelance cartography.

Professional organizations for cartographers:  North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS) at is probably the most comprehensive.  The Association of American Geographers (AAG) at has a Cartography Specialty Group. 

(Compiled by Cherie Northon)

Country: GREECE

Cartographic education and training courses:
Six [6] courses exist in Greece. One course [4 semesters] at the National  Technical University of Athens, the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, two courses[11 semesters] at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki[] the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering and the School of Regional Planning and Development , one course[2semesters] at the Aegean University[] the School of Geography, one course[3 semesters] at Harocopeio University of Athens[] the School of Geography. All other cartographic teaching is undertaken within G.I.S.[mostly], like University of Thessaly[] the School of Regional Planning and Development.
There are also two Polytechnic Schools teaching Cartography [3 semesters each].

Career prospects for cartographers: Cartographers are employed by the Government[Ministry of Environment and Planning,] and by the Army[Hellenic Military Geographical Service,, Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service,].

5. Contact Details:

The CET website provides information on the activities of the CET. Please visit the site at or contact David Fraser, the chair of the commission at