10. Standard contents of Toponymic Guidelines
Most of the other Guidelines published in
1982 follow exactly the contents of the
Austrian example. These are
standard contents of toponymic guidelines:
1. Languages
1.1. General remarks
1.2. National language
1.2.1. General remarks
1.2.2. The Alphabet
1.2.3. Orthography
1.2.4. Pronunciation
1.2.5. Linguistic substrata
1.2.6. Dialects
1.3. Minority languages
1.3.1. [language 1]
1.3.2. [language 2] ...
2. Names authorities and names
3. Source material
3.1. Maps
3.2. Gazetteers
4. Glossary
5. Abbreviations
6. Standardized names of administrative units
(Added in 1987)
Variation in contents
In some cases the contents of Toponymic
Guidelines deviate from the standard contents, for instance:
The Spanish
Guidelines skip the subject of linguistic substrata.
The Turkish do not
mention any minority languages.
The US fully
concentrate on the toponymic rules set by their national geographical
names authority, and pay little attention to languages.
The Chinese
concentrate on transliteration issues.