1. Background
- 1950s - need for clear unambiguous names in UN cartography and communication
- 1960s - first UN technical meetings; first UN conference (1967)
- 2000s - names at core of communication ... maps, census, search & rescue, postal services, etc.
- UN continues to provide focus and forum (8th Conference 2002 in Berlin; 21st UNGEGN session 2002)
How the system functions
- UN Conferences (every 5 years)
- UNGEGN (~ every 2 years)
- UNGEGN Divisions (22)
- geographical and/or linguistic groups of countries
- UNGEGN Working Groups
- Publicity and funding; Toponymic terminology
- Gazetteers and toponymic data files
- Country names; Romanization systems
- Training courses
Role of UN