Method of line symbols and Method of vectors.

1. Line symbols designate:

2. Method of line symbols reflects the phenomena:

    Expressing on width in scale 1:50000
    Expressing on width in scale 1:1000000
    Expressing on width in all scales
    Not expressing on width in all scales

3. Which of the following phenomena cannot be represented with the help of line symbols?

    phenomena localized on lines
    a movement of objects
    demarkation lines
    objects of linear character, not expressed in scale of map on width

4. The basic means to express features of linear objects is:

    colour and design of symbol
    colour, design and width of a symbol
    colour, design, width and length of a symbol

5. Method of line symbols is used to represent:

    rivers and roads
    rivers, roads and coast line
    rivers, roads, coast line and tectonic fissures
    rivers, roads, coast line, tectonic fissures and sea currents
    rivers, roads, coast line, tectonic fissures, sea currents and international boundaries

6. Vectors serve as a basic method to represent:

    a movement of objects and a volume of goods-traffic
    a volume of goods-traffic and passenger traffic
    a volume of passenger traffic and different kinds of communication
    a different kind of communication and a movement of objects

7. Which of the following menners of cartographic representation is used to show different spatial movings?

    method of qualitative background
    method of line symbols
    method of vectors
    method of area
    method of isolines
    diagrammatic map

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