Program for studing the theme "Methods of cartographic representation" is aimed for students of geographic faculties, especially for those who master the course of "Cartography".
The program consists of three structural parts. They are the following: a theoretical part, a block of self-work and self-control and a block of examination. Theoretical part (Textbook) is presented in a form of a hypertext, where the fundamental knowledge of all the traditional methods of cartographical representation, are expressed, including a new one - method of anamorphosises. There one can find peculiarities of these methods, specificity of its construction and application, as well as the main objects and processes, represented with their help. Examples of application of all these methods are represented on the geographical maps.
The block of self-work (Questions) consists of the questions on each method of representation. Having answered all the questions a student gets a mark in the form of a table or a special line. Here a student has an opportunity to analyze the answer, as he finds out on which question or part of it he gave an incorrect answer. For this purpose there is a reference (icon Book) to the theoretical material on this topic.
Block of examination and control (Final Test) is a number of test tasks that are similar to the tasks for training, but the questions are placed in random.
The program uses environment of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. It is written at HTML and JavaScript.
In the test there are questions of opened and closed types, one can also find there tasks for establishing conformity between groups of events. Questions of the closed-type are meant to have several variants of answers, it is supposed that one or more answers might be correct. Each answer has a check box near it, the number or the letter of the answer should be inserted by using keyboard. While answering it should be noted that all the inserted letters must be Latin and lowercased, i.e. not capital. The use of non-Roman alphabet and capital letters will be considered as a mistake.
The questions of the open type are presented in two variants: with one correct answer or several ones. Round switches are used for the questions with the only one correct answer. Switches in the shape of a square are used for the questions with two or more correct answers. Correct answers might be chosen by placing the flag inside of the switcher into ON or OFF position by clicking the left button of the mouse. It should be noted that in such questions two or more correct answers might be correct. The answers are checked by pressing the button "Result", and the Final Test is checked by the button "Check". The results appear in the form of the table or in a special line on the same page.
Use of program
In order to run the program you should run a file Index-2.html The program "Methods of cartographic representation" can be used as an independent distant tutorial. That is, if you use this program on-line or have it on your computer, it is possible to learn adequately the proposed course. Traditional model of learning is not alient here, it is necessary to begin with the theoretical basis. In section "Textbook" you may get to know the methods and ways of creating, the peculiarities and graphical means of representation; to understand each method of representation; to learn how to distinguish one method of representation from another; etc. In each chapter there are examples of conventional symbols for the method, described in it. Besides, a number of geographical maps will help to get acquainted virtually with each of the methods of representation. After the theoretical part the knowledge of the student should be examined. For this purpose in the section of "Questions" a trainee answers the proposed questions. All the questions are divided according to the topics, i.e. for each method of representation. Each topic has questions where a visual estimation of the map is necessary in order to answer the question. Reference (the word -Maps-) to the required maps is near each question. In order to activate this reference you should click on it by the mouse. The results of the answers are produced in the form of a table or a special line that allows to see in which particular question or part of the question a mistake have been made. To eliminate the gaps while learning the material a student has an opportunity to refer to that part of the textbook on which topic he has made a mistake. Hyperlink in a form of a book brings him to this chapter. A student improves the knowledge while studying this theme in a way of self-education. Final examination of the knowledge received in the process of learning is performed with the help of "Final Test". A student should answer all 45 questions on all methods of representation. Questions are arranged in a random order. It should be noted that the questions of this part of the program are set in the way of complexity increase. Having finished answering the questions, computer brings out the results at pressing the button "Check". This is a mark or a percentage of the correct answers to the total number of offered questions that gives an idea of the student's degree in mastering the proposed material.
Besides it is possible to use the proposed method in a class with a group of students, giving tasks on learning one of the methods of representation. All parts of the programme can be used for the complete studying of the subject, and single parts of the programme can be used for different topics of the lessons as well. For example it is possible to use "Questions" at the stage of improving knowledge on the material. Or it is possible to use "Final Test" as a way of examination of students' knowledge at the end of leaning a topic.
This program can be used as an additional mean in the general process of study.