Menners of cartographic representation.

1. Line symbols designate:

2. Establish conformity between a menners of cartographic representation and characteristics:
1) visual symbols, 2) abstract symbols, 3) letter symbols: (put down right figures)

    Are badly comparable on size, do not specify an exact site of an object, dazzle a map.
    Are simple for understanding, occupy little area, are easily comparable, exactly specify a site of an object.
    Are badly comparable on size, specify a site of an object, unequivocally specify a represented object.

3. Method of qualitative background is used to characterize:

    regions of any phenomena spreading
    phenomena localized on lines
    phenomena localized in points
    all-round phenomena
    scattered phenomena

4. Which of the follouwing characteristics of diagrammatic maps are mistaken?

    phenomena are represented within the territorial units, out of regional subdivision
    the initial data are served by relative parameters
    reflect an original character of the phenomenon accommodation
    characterize changes of the phenomenon in time

5. Establish the conformity between the terms and definitions:
a) anamorphosises; b) cartoids; c) mental maps. (put down proper letters)

    Abstract geographic images, where concrete and spatial relations are not important, but the essence of the phenomenon and the appropriateness of its distribution is shown.
    Geographic views of images, which develop in a human mind about spatial objects.
    Geographic images, which scale can be transformed and modified because of the volue characteristic of the phenomenon on the initial map .

6. Establish the conformity between the phenomenon and the name of isolines, representing it.
(put down the number of isoline)

    Amount precipitation
    Magnetic declination
    Hight of the earth`s surface
    Change in time

  1. isochrones
  2. contours
  3. isogones
  4. isohyets
  5. isobars
  6. isotherms

7. Which of following methods can be used to indicated objects, not expressed in the scale of map or occupying area, which is smaller then the cartographic symbol and taking place in concrete points:

    line symbols
    cartographic symbols
    method of vectors
    diagrammatic map
    diagram map

8. On which of the following maps is it appropriate to use method of symbol-area?

    map of natural vegetation
    map of mineral resourses
    zoogeographic map
    geological map
    soil map

9. In a dot method the accomodation of dotts, in the case of a large "weight", is easier in areas with:

    the least density of a phenomenon
    the greatest density of a phenomenon
    separately located groups of phenomena

10. Which of the following menners of cartographic representation is used to show different spatial movings?

    method of qualitative background
    method of line symbols
    method of vectors
    method of area
    method of isolines
    diagrammatic map

11. The image of system of Moscow subway lines is an example of :

    mental map
    area anamorphosis
    linear anamorphosis
    3-D anamorphosis

12. The cheracteristic of a phenomenon, represented with the help of isolines method, is carried out according to:

    value of horizontal gradient
    separately taken isolines
    set of isolines

13. The evident conception about distribution of the phenomenon, represented by the dot method, can be defined by:

    by the colour of dotts
    by the form of dotts
    by the density of dotts
    by the size of dotts

14. Establish the conformity between the following maps and cartographic method applied on them?
(put down number of maps)

    diagram map
    method of quantitative background

15. What quantaty of parameters, used to creat an anamorphosis, keeps its visual ability ?


16. Gradual replacement of one phenomenon by another can be represented with the help of:

    method of overlapping and checked colouring
    checked colouring and strip colouring
    strip colouring and hatching along the border
    hatching along the border and method of overlapping

17. Establish the conformity between the phenomena and kind of localized diagrams, which are usually used to represent them: (put down right figures)

    1. column diagrams
    2. curve of distribution
    3. "roses"

      course of temperature
      sea currents
      potential evaporation
      relative humidity
      rivers runoff

    18. Using a dot method the effect of perception can be reduced becouse of:

      the form of dotts
      the coulor of dotts
      surcharge of a base

    19. System of Moscow subway lines is constructed on the basis of:

      time of movement between stations
      distances between stations
      extend of subway lines
      order of stations succession

    20. Establish a true succession of symbols` characteristics while visuale estimation:
    ŕ) by the form, b) by the colour, c) by the size ? (establish the right order and mark the answer)

      c), ŕ), b)
      b), c), ŕ)
      ŕ), c), b)
      ŕ), b), c)

    21. Method of line symbols reflects the phenomena :

      Expressing on width in scale 1:50000
      Expressing on width in scale 1:1000000
      Expressing on width in all scales
      Not expressing on width in all scales

    22. Which maps, created with the help of isolines, reflect: 1) real phenomena 2) abstract phenomena? (put down right figures)

      Density of surface water
      Run-off volume per unit of area
      Average annual precipitation

    23. The real location of the object, designated by the cartographic symbol on a map, is :

      in the center of a symbol
      on the left side from a symbol
      on the right side from a simbol
      under the all area of a symbol

    24. Which of the following maps can be carried out by :
    a) by the method of qualitative background, b) by the method of quantitative background?
    (put down correct letter [a; b])

      soil map
      geological map
      depth of relief partition map
      map of run-off volume per unit of area
      map of natural zones
      map of native peoples

    25. Method of line symbols is used to represent:

      rivers and roads
      rivers, roads and coast line
      rivers, roads, coast line and tectonic fissures
      rivers, roads, coast line, tectonic fissures and sea currents
      rivers, roads, coast line, tectonic fissures, sea currents and international boundaries

    26. Which of the following characteristics do not concern method of diagram maps?

      Exactly indicate a place of phenomenon, is not bound up with territorial division
      Indicate a total value of phenomenon within the bounds of an administrative unit

    27. Which kind of images do not concern non-Euclidean metric:

      diagram maps
      diagrammatic maps
      mental maps
      virtual image

    28. Which information about a settelment cannot be expressed with the help of cartographic symbols?

      type of a settelment
      quantaty of population
      density of population
      administrative value of a settelment
      location of a settelment
      ethnic structure of population

    29. The basic means to express features of linear objects is:

      colour and design of symbol
      colour, design and width of a symbol
      colour, design, width and length of a symbol

    30. Which of phenomena cannot be represented with the help of isolines?

      level of radiation
      surface runoff
      seismic movements
      area of squirrel distribution

    31. Choose the right way for transformation cartoid into arear anamorphosis.

      transformation of an image according to the method of J.Pravda
      bringing of a spatial localization
      changing of the existing scale

    32. Establish the conformity between the following diagram maps and cartographic method applied on them? (put down number of maps)

      a linear - diagram map
      polygon - diagram map
      3-D diagram map
      structural - diagram map

    33. Vectors serve as a basic method to represent:

      a movement of objects and a volume of goods-traffic
      a volume of goods-traffic and passenger traffic
      a volume of passenger traffic and different kinds of communication
      a different kind of communication and a movement of objects

    34. What kind of area symbols can be used to show :

      vegetation on the map of region/province
      glaciation on Geological/Geomorphological map
      animals on Zoogeographic map
      phenomena with indistinct natural borders

      1.dotted border
      2. symbol-area
      3. open-ended border
      4. colouring of area in contour bordary

    35. The difference of linear anamorphosis and graph image is:

      in the method of transformation of lingths` scale
      in the functional load of edges
      in the observance of spatial relations

    36. Establish the conformity between the following maps and cartogrsphic methods applied on them ? (put down number of maps)

      cartographic symbols

    37. Which of the following phenomena cannot be represented with the help of line symbols?

      phenomena localized on lines
      a movement of objects
      demarkation lines
      objects of linear character, not expressed in scale of map on width

    38. Having studied maps` contents and legends, definewhere the following classifications are used? (put down number of maps)

      classification of a phenomenon according to one indication
      classification of a phenomenon according to a number of indication
      synthetic classification of a phenomenon

    39. Establish the conformity between the cartographed phenomena and menners of thier represintation. (put down the number of the penomenon and metod of its representation)

      method of area
      method of cartographic symbols
      method of qualitative backgroud
      method of vectors
      method of line symbols
      dot method
      method of isolines
      localized diagram map
    1. muvement phenomena in space
    2. all-round phenomena
    3. region of any phenomena spreading
    4. phenomena localized on lines
    5. phenomena all-round and linear spreading
    6. persistant and gradualy varying in space phenomena
    7. phenomena localized in points
    8. scattered phenomena

    40. It is typical for 3-D anamorphosises :

      visual ability
      poor perception of zero level
      facilitated perception of anomalies
      scaling of time

    41. Having studied the maps, listed below, define where the territories are marked out according to : (put down number of maps)

      individual subdivision
      accepted traditional classification

    42. Mark the characteristics concerning pseudoisolines.

      Lines are drawn on separate points.
      Lines are drown all over geometrical centres of squares/areas
      Sharp, spasmodic change of value
      Gradually varying, continuous value

    43. Choose some maps, on which total symbols are represented. (put down number of maps)


    44. Establish the conformity between the following maps and cartographic method applied on them? (put down number of maps)

      localized diagram maps
      diagram maps
      diagrammatic maps

    45. Mark a mistaken statement "Localized diagram maps do not disignate: "

      course of phenomenon
      exact place of phenomenon
      value of phenomenon
      duration of phenomenon
      area of phenomenon spreading
      recurrence of phenomenon

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