Internet Cartography Teaching courses

Modules sourced from:
S = Swiss Virtual Campus
M = The University of Melbourne;
I = International Cartographic Association;
Book = International Cartographic Association - hardcopy books

S Introduction to database systems
S Database system concepts and architecture
S Logical modelling: the relational data model
S Relational query language
M Image data input and conversion to a GIS
I Graphic file formats and conversion (Laszlo Zentai, Hungary)
I Map projections (Antal Guszlev, Hungary)
E Introduction to ArcGIS Data Models
E Working with Geodatabase Topology
E Geoprocessing CAD Data with ArcGIS
B D.Maling - Mathematical cartography
S Overview of sources and methods
S Primary sources and methods
S Derived sources and methods
S Metadata and quality
M Maps: scale, resolution, accuracy
M Data capture methods
M Direct data entry including global positioning systems (GPS)
M Manual digitising and scanning of analogue maps
M Physical extent
M Resolution (grid size)
M Transfer of data from existing digital sources
E Metadata: Tips and Tricks
E Understanding Map Projections and Coordinate Systems (First module FREE)
E Working with Map Projections and Coordinate Systems in ArcGIS
B *Projections (10)
B *E.Spiess - Map compilation (pp 23-70)
B *Paul M.Young - Spatial database revision(pp 37-49)
B *Hans van de Waal - Documentation and cartography (pp 109-125)
S What is a GIS
S What do we need to work with a GIS
S Into the market
E Understanding ArcSDE Table Relationships
B *Computer cartography (10)
B *A.Jon Kimerling - Geographic information systems and cartography (pp49-71)
S Analysis concepts
S Discrete spatial variables
S Continuous spatial variables
S Terrain analysis
S Spatial queries
S Accessibility
S Suitability
E Working with Geodatabase Precision and Spatial Domain
E Understanding Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS 9
E Introduction to ArcGIS 9 Geostatistical Analyst
S Presentation and visualization needs
S Layout design settings / graphical semiology
S Cartographic data representation
S Generalization of map data
S Topographic Cartography
M Design considerations
I Methods of cartographic representation (Anton Ryazanov and Vladimir Tikunov, Russia)
I Sample design (Barend Köbben, The Netherlands)
I Map Design (Wolfgang Meissner, Germany)
E Introduction to Cartographic Representations in ArcGIS 9.2
E Making Better Map Layouts with ArcGIS
B *Cartographic expression and design (10)
B *Map generalisation and compilation (10)
B *Map reproduction (1)
B *Technique of map drawing and lettering (7)
B *Thematic mapping (7)
B *Topographic map production (7)
B *K.Kanazawa - Techniques of map drawing and lettering
B *E.Lehmann and R.Ogrissek - Thematic cartography (pp 85-104)
B *M.J.Balodis - Generalisation (pp 71-84)
B *N.Kadmon - Computer-assisted cartography (pp 105-138)
B *Ferjan Ormeling and Roger Anson - Communication, design and visualisation (pp 71-93)
B *R.Olev Koop - Desktop Cartography (pp 93-109)
B *C.Palm and S. van der Steen - Map reproduction
B *B.Rouleau - Theory of cartographic expression and design
B *John R.Jensen - Technical aspects of remote sensing (pp11-23)
B *R.Bohme - Topographic cartography (pp 1-22)
B *Naftali Kadmon - Toponymy,theory and practice of geographical names (pp 23-37)
B *Olayinka Y.Balogun - Traditional methods of map revision (pp1-11)
B *History of Cartography (5)
B *C.Koeman - The history of cartography
E HAZUS-MH (Multi-Hazards) for Decision Makers
E Introduction to ArcGIS Network Analyst
E Introduction to Trimble GPS Analyst Extension for ArcGIS Software
I1 Toponymy (Ferjan Ormeling, The Netherlands)