1. Accessibility
2. Analysis concepts
3. Cartographic data representation
4. Continuous spatial variables
5. Database system concepts and architecture
6. Derived sources and methods
7. Derived sources and methods
8. Discrete spatial variables
9. Generalization of map data
10. Into the market
11. Introduction to database systems
12. Layout design settings / graphical semiology
13. Logical modelling: the relational data model
14. Metadata and quality
15. Metadata and quality
16. Overview of sources and methods
17. Overview of sources and methods
18. Presentation and visualization needs
19. Primary sources and methods
20. Primary sources and methods
21. Relational query language
22. Spatial queries
23. Suitability
24. Terrain analysis
25. Topographic Cartography
26. What do we need to work with a GIS
27. What is a GIS
B1 Basic Cartography - volume 1
B2 Basic Cartography - volume 2
B3 Basic Cartography - volume 3
BE Contents Basic Cartography Exercise Manual
Volume 1
1. C.Koeman - The history of cartographyVolume 2
2. C.Palm and S. van der Steen - Map reproduction
3. E.Spiess - Map compilation (pp 23-70)
4. John R.Jensen - Technical aspects of remote sensing (pp11-23)
5. R.Bohme - Topographic cartography (pp 1-22)
6. D.Maling - Mathematical cartography
7. K.Kanazawa - Techniques of map drawing and lettering
1. B.Rouleau - Theory of cartographic expression and designVolume 3
2. Naftali Kadmon - Toponymy,theory and practice of geographical names (pp 23-37)
3. Paul M.Young - Spatial database revision(pp 37-49)
4. E.Lehmann and R.Ogrissek - Thematic cartography (pp 85-104)
1. Hans van de Waal - Documentation and cartography (pp 109-125)
2. Olayinka Y.Balogun - Traditional methods of map revision (pp1-11)
3. M.J.Balodis - Generalisation (pp 71-84)
4. N.Kadmon - Computer-assisted cartography (pp 105-138)
5. Ferjan Ormeling and Roger Anson - Communication, design and visualisation (pp 71-93)
6. R.Olev Koop - Desktop Cartography (pp 93-109)
1. Cartographic expression and design (10)
2. History of Cartography (5)
3. Projections (10)
4. Map generalisation and compilation (10)
5. Map reproduction (1)
6. Technique of map drawing and lettering (7)
7. Thematic mapping (7)
8. Topographic map production (7)
1. Graphic file formats and conversion (Laszlo Zentai, Hungary)
2. Map Design (Wolfgang Meissner, Germany)
3. Map projections (Antal Guszlev, Hungary)
4. Methods of cartographic representation (Anton Ryazanov and Vladimir Tikunov, Russia)
5. Sample design (Barend K÷bben, The Netherlands)
6. Toponymy (Ferjan Ormeling, The Netherlands)
1. Geoprocessing CAD Data with ArcGIS
2. HAZUS-MH (Multi-Hazards) for Decision Makers
3. Introduction to ArcGIS 9 Geostatistical Analyst Self-Study
4. Introduction to ArcGIS Data Models
5. Introduction to ArcGIS Network Analyst
6. Introduction to Cartographic Representations in ArcGIS 9.2
7. Introduction to Trimble GPS Analyst Extension for ArcGIS Software
8. Making Better Map Layouts with ArcGIS
9. Metadata: Tips and Tricks
10. Understanding ArcSDE Table Relationships
11. Understanding GIS Queries $25.00 USD
12. Understanding Map Projections and Coordinate Systems First module FREE
13. Understanding Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS 9
14. Working with Geodatabase Precision and Spatial Domain
15. Working with Geodatabase Topology
16. Working with Map Projections and Coordinate Systems in ArcGIS
1. Data capture methods
2. Design considerations
3. Direct data entry including global positioning systems (GPS)
4. Image data input and conversion to a GIS
5. Manual digitising and scanning of analogue maps
6. Maps: scale, resolution, accuracy
7. Physical extent
8. Resolution (grid size)
9. Transfer of data from existing digital sources