Internet Cartography Teaching courses

International Cartographic Association
Commission on Education and Training



On-line Professional Development Modules

It is with much pleasure that we are able to announce the introduction of the first stage of an Internet Cartographic Education Program open to registered individuals who do not have access to existing cartographic education programs.

This is the culmination of significant effort by many members of the Commission of Education and Training over many years to bring Professor Ferjan Ormeling's vision of such a program to fruition.

The program is aimed at encouraging individuals from around the world to be trained and educated in the mapping sciences, thus enhancing their ability to provide an efficient and effective service to their country, community and employer.

Using a staged progression through free on-line modules a participant can use this program for professional development.

All individuals who do not have access to local programs, no matter what their educational background, can and are encouraged to register and participate in the ICA on-line program. For those wanting further information, full details are available in the ICA CET On-line Cartography Booklet.

The Chair of the ICA Commission on Education and Training
László Zentai
Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Budapest, Hungary,
H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A