Internet Cartography Teaching courses
Technical guidance

The planned module representation is available here (in PDF file) or you can check the newsletter format in HTML.

If you are not familiar with the HTML format you can simply create your teaching material in your word processing application.
Don't import the graphics into your word processor file, keep the separately (refer to the file name in the text file).

You can create links in your Word processor or you can just mark it in your file.

How can we create links in the word processors, like Word?

  1. Mark the text (word, sentence) with your mouse.
  2. Use Insert menu / Hyperlink (ALT+CTRL+Z as a shortcut)
  3. Appoint the file (drive/folder/file name), clicking the OK button you created a link (the marked taxt will be blue and underlined)
    It is suggested to keep you files in the same folder ot if you familiar with folder you can create a folder structure for your teaching material. It is logical to store your images in a separate folder.
  4. You can create as much links as it necessary.

If you want to mail your module it is suggested to store them in compressed format together (ZIP, RAR, ARJ, ACE). If you have lot of images this method would create very large files. Files larger than 1 MB are sometimes too large for sending it in attachment (this value can be smaller).