Curriculum Vitae

Name:                                     Marion Werner

Present address (business):      Institute of Cartography

                                               Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)

                                               CH-8093 Zürich




Current position:                       Scientific Assistant



Education                               University


                                               2004 – 2006      Master of Advanced Studies in E-Learning & Knowledge Management


                                                                       Institute for Communication and Culture, University of Luzern, Switzerland           


2001                     Undergraduate Dissertation with the topic

‘Processing Chain for Derivation of map Products From High Resolution Airborne INSAR Data Integrated in a GIS, realised as CBT-CD’ .


Practical work: creating an interactive, multimedia enriched learning and presentation medium; presents the workflow starting with radar flight planning, the flight and data collection and the data implementation into a GIS.


Theoretic work: learning with multimedia, knowledge transfer, quality criteria of CBT CD’s, relating to the practical work.


University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany; purpose-built for Aerosensing Radar-Systems, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany


                                               1996 – 2001      Studies in Cartography with certificate in ‘Multimedia’ and ‘English in Economy and Industry’, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany




                                               Occupational History


                                               2002 -              Scientific Collaborator at the Institute of Cartography at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland


2002                                 Mindmedia GmbH, Multimedia Agency, Augsburg, Germany; Conception of E-Learning Products


2001                                 Undergraduate Dissertation, Certificate as:

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Cartography and Geomediatechnique


2001                                Collaboration in a Graphic Design Agency; I.Freese, Munich, Germany


1999                                 Second Internship for Studies in Cartography; Terralink ‘Geospatial Solutions’, Wellington, New Zealand


1998                                 Student Trainee at Siemens Communication- Systems, Munich, Germany


1997                                 Internship at the Studio of Maptechnique; Norderstedt-Hamburg, Germany


1996                                 First internship for Studies in Cartography; Federal Office of Ocean Shipping and Hydrography, Hamburg, Germany




                                               Work at the Institute of Cartography


§         ‘Swiss Virtual Campus’ project GITTA [Geographic Information Technology Training Alliance]


§         ‘Swiss Virtual Campus’ project CARTOuCHe [Cartography for Swiss Higher Education]


§         Conception of Cartography courses for the upcoming Bachelor and Master Study Program at the ETH Zurich, especially the thematic Cartography course as a hybrid learning arrangement


§         Being in charge of exercises in GIS & Cartography


§         Taking care of student’s practical exercises in Basic Cartography, GIS & Cartography, Laboratory Cartography and Diploma Thesis in Cartography



                                               Conference Contributions


§         Paper & Presentation - ICC 2003 Durban, SA

Werner M. und Stern B. (2003): Active and Self-Controlled Web-Based Education in GIS-Technology and Cartography - The ‘GITTA‘ Project. In: Congressguide of the 21th International Cartographic Conference of the International Cartographic Association, ISBN – 0-958-46093-0,


§         Presentation – Intergeo 2004, Stuttgart, Germany

Active and Self-Controlled Web Based Education In GIS-Technology and Cartography: The ‘GITTA’ Project


§         Paper & Presentation - ICC 2005 aCoruna, Spain

Werner M., Bleisch S., Fisler J (2004): Web-Based Education in Cartography and GI Science – Towards an Open Content Solution


§         Paper & Presentation - ICC 2005 aCoruna, Spain

Wener M. and Hutzler E. (2004): Contemporary Map Design for Research, Education and Production with Desktop- Publishing-System Extensions



Member of ...


§         International Commission of Education & Training since 2005.  

§         Commission of Education & Training of the German Society of Cartography DGfK since autumn 2004.


§         Swiss Cartographic Association - SGK