Mr. Liu Yaolin
Sep 21,1960
Post Applied for: Chair of Education and Training Commission
Ph.D. Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Msc. China University of Geo-Science
B.A. China University of Geo-Science
Position Held
1982-1987 | Assistant Lecturer, Department of Cartography, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM) |
1987-1992 | Lecturer, Department of Cartography, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM) |
1992-1994 | Associated Professor, Department of Cartography, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM) |
1995-2000 | Professor, School of Land Information and Cartography, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM) |
2001-now | Professor, School of Land Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University (WTUSM merged into Wuhan University since 2001) |
Liu Yaolin has been Dean of School of Land Resource and Environmental Science of Wuhan University since 2001. He served as Vice-dean of Department of Cartography, and School of Land Information and Cartography (1994-1997), and Dean of School of Land Information and Cartography (1997-2000).
1. The project for developing Land Planning Information System
2. The project for developing Land Management Information System
3. The project for developing Land Evaluation information System
4.The project for establishing the Land Information Database of Xionghai City, Hainan Province, P. R. China
5. Atlas of Social-Economic of Shenzheng,P. R. China
6. Atlas of Land Resource Planning of Wuhan City, P. R. China
7. A Series of Maps of Anti-Disasters of Wuhan City, P. R. China
8. Study on Thematic Mapping Technique
9. 1st Prize of Provincial Award of Educational Achievements in 1997 regarding the reform in Geo-science Courses for Higher Education of Cartography at BSc, MSc and PhD Levels
10. Research and Practice on Fostering Innovative Talents of Surveying and Mapping
11. 2nd Prize of State Award of Educational Achievements in 2002 due to Research and Practice on the Construction of Cartography and GIS Specialty
12. Teaching Courseware Design of A Series Courses of GIS Applications
Recent Papers and Books
Liu Yaolin, Matin Molanaar (1999), Multi-Scale representation for raster drainage network based on data model. Proceeding (CD_ROM) of 19th International Cartographic Conference, Ottawa, Canada
Liu Yaolin (1999) Design and Development of Urban land evaluation information system. Journal of land Scicnce, Vol 10, No,2,pp102-106.
Liu Yaolin, Liu Yang (2000) Urban land parcels based on Data structure and knowledge, Journal of Geo-science, Vol, 6, N0.3 209-215 ( in Chinese).
Liu Yaolin, Fan Yanping (2000), The shortest path methods and application in urban land evaluation. Journal of Geomatics and information Science, Vol.25 N0.5,pp. 475-482
Liu Yaolin, Martien Molenaar Menno-Jan Kraak, (2001), Spatial Object Aggregation Based on Data structure, Local Triangulation and Hierarchical analyzing method. Proceeding (CD-ROM) of 20th International Cartographic Conference 2001. Aug.6-10, 2001, Beijing, China.
Liu Yaolin, Martien Molenaar, Ai Tinghua (2001) Frameworks for Generalization Constraints and Operations Based on Object-Oriented Data Structure in Database Generalization. Proceeding (CD-ROM) of 20th International Cartographic Conference 2001, Aug.6-10, 2001, Beijing, China
Liu Yaolin, Martien Molenaar, (2001) Generalization transformation based on constraints, spatial and relationships. ASPRS Annual Conference Proceedings (CD_ROM), Washington, DC. Society of America Bulletin, v.84 .ASPRS 2001 Annual Convention, St, Louis, Mo, Aprial 23-27.
Liu Yaolin, Li Xinglin (2001) Urban Land grading based market data approach, Journal of Geomatics and information Science Vol.26 N0.1,pp. 75-82
Liu Yaolin (2001) Design and implementation of Land Grading information System. Journal of Geomatics and information Science, Vol.26 N0.1,pp. 75-82
Tinghua Ai, Liu Yaolin (2001) Constraction of Street Center-line Network in Urban GIS ---- A Method Based on Delaunay Triangulation, Proceedings of International conference of Urban Geo-informatics, Surveying and Mapping Press House.
Tinghua Ai, Renzhong, Liu Yaolin (2000) A binary tree representation of curve hierarchical structure based on gestalt principles, Proceedings of the ninth spatial handling symposium.pp.2a 30-43.
Liu Yaolin, Martien Molenaar, Menno-Jan Kraak, (2002), Automated Organization of Hierarchical Catchments in River Network Based Constrained Delaunay Triangulation, Proceeding of XXII Conference, FIG2002, Washington,DC, Aprial 19-26 (submitted).
Liu Yaolin, (2002)Artificial Neural Network Method for Evaluating Basic Land Price, Journal of Geo-Information Science Vol.4, No4 pp.1-8.
Liu Yaolin, Liu Yanfang, (2000) Urban Environment Analysis, WuCE Publishing House, Wuhan, China.
Li Deren, Liu Yaolin (2001) Techniques on Land Information System, Geological Publishing House, Beijing, China (in Chinese).
Membership of professional societies
Member of Education and Training Commission of ICA (1999-2003)
Director of the Council of the 8th Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography (2001 - 2005)
Deputy director of the scientific education committee, Chinese Society of Land (2001 - 2005)
Director of the Geographic education Committee, Chinese Ministry of Education (2001 2005)
Member of the GIS Education Commission, 2nd GIS Association of China
Chief Director of Commission of Cartography and GIS of Hubei Province
Member of Editorial Bored of Bulletin of Surveying & Mapping
Member of Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University
International technical activities:
Asia conference of Remote Sense, Guangzhou, China , 1991
16th International Cartographic Conference, Cologne, Germany, 1993
17th International Cartographic Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 1995
18th International Cartographic Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 1997
XXI International Congress, Brighton, UK 1998
FIG Commission 2 Seminar, Wuhan, China , 1998
19th International Cartographic Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 1999
19 Conference of ISPRS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000
20th International Cartographic Conference, Beijing, China, 2001
FIG Working Week, Seoul Korea, 2001
XXII Conference of FIG, Washington DC,USA, 2002
School of Land Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University
129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, Hubei, China
Tel: 86-27-87669545
Fax: 86-27-87215893