Ma Pilar Sánchez-Ortiz Rodriguez
Thematic Cartography and National Atlas Department
National Geographic Institute (IGN)
Madrid (SPAIN)
- Degree in Topographical engineering (1986).
- In the National Geographic Institute of Spain, Head of the Thematic Cartography
and National Atlas Section.
- Spanish Delegate in the Commission on Cartography and Children of the International
Cartographic Association.
- General Secretary of Spanish Society for Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing ( since 2000)
- Coordination in the National Atlas of Spain (consist of five volumes) (since
1995).Volume I and II
- Revised and abridged version of National Atlas: The Physical Environment
1 and 2
- The Physical Environment 1 and 2 on digital format (CD-ROM)
- Collaboration in these publications:
- Historical Cartography (1991) published by National Geographic Institute
- Technical Publications about Geophysics published by National Geographic
Institute: Number 26 (1992) , 28 (1995) and 36 (1998).
- Biosphere Reserve published by National Geographic Institute.(First
edition in 2000 and Second Edition in 2001).
- Conferences:
- National Congress of Topography and Cartography celebrated in Spain
,1996: The application of Thematic Cartography in Territorial Occupation
and Urbanism (National Atlas of Spain)
- International Cartography Conference, ICA. Durban, South Africa, 2003.
Current situation of the canary islands representation in the official
cartography and its repercussion in the National Atlas of Spain