Curriculum Vitae



Department of Geomatics

University of Alaska Anchorage

Anchorage, Alaska   99508

(907) 786-6434





Ph.D.           University of California                                             1987                              Geography

                        Berkeley, California


M.A.           University of California                                             1982                              Geography

                Berkeley, California


B.A.             University of California                                             1980                              Anthropology

              Berkeley, California                                                                                          with Honors


B.A.             University of California                                             1980                              Geography

              Berkeley, California




2000 — present                    Department of Geomatics                                                             Associate Professor

                                                University of Alaska Anchorage                                                (tenure track)


1999 — 2000                          Department of Geomatics                                                             Associate Professor

                                                University of Alaska Anchorage                                                (term appointment)




2003                                        Alaska Space Grant Program (NASA)                                        UAA Affiliate Director


2001 — present                    GINA                                                                                               Training Node Director

                                                Geographic Information of Network of Alaska                        

                                                University of Alaska Anchorage




1987—1999                            Department of Geography                                                            Lecturer/Department

                                                University of California                                                                Cartographer

                                                Berkeley, CA




1983 — Present        Mapping Solutions                                                                                   Principal

                                    Anchorage, Alaska 




2003                    UAA Career Services Center Appreciation Award for GIS Internship Support


2002                    Chancellor’s Award for Exemplary Collaboration Between/Among Programs, Colleges or MAU (Major Academic Units) for GIS unit


2002                    First place, UAA Technology Innovation Grant Award for “Enhancing Geomatics Instruction, Learning, and Research Through Virtual Reality Panoramas and Other Photographic Technology”


2001                    Election as a Fellow to the Royal Geographical Society (UK)


2001                    Special Achievement Award in GIS from ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) 2001 User Conference


2001                    American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) travel award for presentation of paper at International Cartographic Conference ICC 2001, Beijing, PRC


1994                    Elected to the Society of Woman Geographers


1992                    Recognition of Innovative Teaching—for University of California Regents meeting


1991                    University of California Special Performance Award


1988                    Association of American Geographers--Cartography Specialty Group, Second Place in Student Honors Competition, annual meeting at Phoenix


1986                    Award in essay competition “Role of Geography as a Discipline and How to Revitalize Geographic Curriculum” Metropolitan St. College, Denver


1984-85               UC Berkeley COT (Committee on Teaching) Award for Distinguished Teaching


1980                    Graduation with Honors in Anthropology, UC Berkeley


1980                    Graduation with Great Distinction in General Scholarship, UC Berkeley


1980                    Elected to Phi Beta Kappa


GEO A137—Principles of Mapping

GEO A158—Geomatics Computer Fundamentals

GEO A290—Select Topics in Geomatics—GIS for Anthropology

GIS A 268—Elements of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

GIS A295—Internship in Geographic Information Systems I

GIS A366—Spatial Information Analysis and Modeling

GIS A369—Land Information Systems

GIS A458—Design and Management of Spatial Data

GIS A460—GIS Senior Project

GIS A468—Integration of Geomatic Technologies

GIS A470—GIS for Facility Management and Transportation Systems

GIS A495—Internship in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) II


GEOG 4—Introduction to Cultural Geography

GEOG 142—Moorea Field Course (co-taught with other faculty)

GEOG 179C—Travel:  the how, where, what and why

GEOG 182—Rural Field Geography

GEOG 183—Cartographic Representation

GEOG 186—Map Reading, Interpretation and Analysis

GEOG 187—Advanced Cartography




GIS for Marine Applications, Alaska SeaLife Center, Seward, Alaska
Introduction to ArcGIS 8.3 and Environmental Applications for Northwest Environmental Training Center, Seattle, Washington

Introduction to GIS for Teachers, Anchorage, Alaska

Introduction to GIS and Community Resource Mapping, Ninestar Enterprises and Alaska Job Corps, Anchorage, Alaska

Maps, Compass and GPS, Matanuska-Susitna College, Wasilla, Alaska




2003                    UAA Center for Community Engagement and Learning Community Resource Mapping and Analysis of Youth Resources in Anchorage and Palmer


2003                    National Weather Service Alaska Aviation Weather Enhancement Utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


2002                    UAA Center for Community Engagement and Learning Travel to Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, March 2003 for presentation of paper and for funding of student meeting participation


2002                    Alaska Space Grant Program (NASA), Enhancement of Geospatial Training for Work Force Development in Alaska, Student Stipends and Tuition Assistance


2002                    International Nuclear Safety Program/Department of Energy Research funding for Enhancement of U.S. (Alaskan) Portions of the Circumpolar Map of Resources at Risk from Oil Spills in the Arctic, Subtask 3 (Radioactivity)


2002                    Alaska Space Grant Program (NASA), Preparation of GIS and Remote Sensing Short Course


2002                    UAA Faculty Development Grant, North America 1:  Looking North Today—the Book


2001                    UAA Faculty Development funds Acquisition of Digital Map Files of Alaska


2001                    UAA TIG (Technology Improvement Grant) Enhancing Geomatics Instruction, Learning, and Research Through Virtual Reality (VF) Panoramas and Other Photographic Technology


2001                    UA President’s Natural Resources Grant Creation of a Web-Based Natural Resources Atlas of Alaska Communities for K-12 Students ( )


2001                    International Nuclear Safety Program/Department of Energy Research funding for Enhancement of U.S. (Alaskan) Portions of the Circumpolar Map of Resources at Risk from Oil Spills in the Arctic


2001                    UAA Center for Community Engagement and Learning Creation and Implementation of GIS-Modules for High School Students


2001                    UA Core Funding for the Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA), an Integrated System-wide Proposal to the Data Analysis Initiative


2001                    UAA Research Travel Grant, Travel to the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers annual Meeting, UC Santa Barbara


2001                    UAA Research Travel Grant, Travel to Beijing, PRC, to present paper at International Cartographic Conference ICC 2001


2000                    UAA Center for Community Engagement and Learning Creation of GIS-Modules for Middle School Students Design and Management of Spatial Data


2000                    UAA TIG (Technology Improvement Grant), Acquisition of Computer Hardware and Software to Support Student Field Research in Geomatics and Anthropology


2000                              UA President’s Natural Resources Grant, Purchase ERDAS Imagine, Computers


2000                              UAA Faculty Development Grant, Complete Repeat Photography of the Area Between Dawson Creek, B.C., and Delta Junction, Alaska, and Fairbanks and Circle City, Alaska


2000                              UAA Research Travel Grant, Presentation of paper at the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers’ Annual Meeting, Humboldt State University


2000                    UAA Research Travel Grant, Travel to Nome for acquisition of historical photos


1999                    UAA Research Travel Grant, Consultation with colleague at UC Berkeley regarding preservation of Partula snail reserve on Moorea, French Polynesia


1999                              UAA Faculty Development Grant, A Geomatic Assessment and GIS Modeling of Beaver (Castor canadensis) Activity and Damage Along Campbell Creek, Municipality of Anchorage


1999                    Co-P.I. on Alaska Digital Sea Ice Atlas funded by MMS (Minerals Management Service), the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, Cominco, and others


1997                    UC Berkeley OED (Office of Educational Development) Instructional Mini-grant Purchase desktop mapping software—MapInfo


1997                    UC Berkeley OED (Office of Educational Development) Instructional Mini-grant Tuition for ARC/INFO Course


1996                    UC Berkeley OED (Office of Educational Development) Instructional Mini-grant Geo-Images Project—Publication on the Internet of Slides of Moorea. F.P., Aerial Western North America and Floating Homes on San Francisco Bay


1995                    UC Berkeley OED (Office of Educational Development) Instructional Mini-grant Develop Cartography Component for students at Gump Biological Station in Moorea, French Polynesia


1983                    UC Berkeley COT (Committee on Teaching) Mini-grant Creation of Cartographic Slide Collection


1982                    ASUC (Associated Students of UC Berkeley) Mini-grant Student Project in Color Cartography




2004                    U.S. Representative to the International Cartographic Association Committee on Education and Training


2000-present     Membership Committee, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers


2000-2001           Co-Chair of the Alaska Arc User Group Conference Committee


1990-92               President, California Map Society (First and only woman president)


1988/89               Treasurer, California Map Society




2003                “Integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into Secondary Education: A Community-based Learning Experience”, Social Studies Development Center of Indiana University

2002                “The Geography of the Russell Fence” The Geographical Review


2002                “Beavers Go to College” in Beaversprite, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 4-5, Summer


2001                        “Geography Undercover” co-authored with Thomas Eley, in The Geographical Review


2001                "The Great Jesuit Surveys of China, 1705-1759."  Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference ICC 2001


2001-02           “Response to Evaluation of EPPR Circumpolar Map of Resources at Risk from Oil Spills”, United States Department of Energy


1997                “Living on the Water:  Floating Homes on San Francisco Bay”



1997                “Life in French Polynesia:  Tahiti, Moorea and Tetiaroa”



1996                “Aerial Geography of Western North America”



1994                “Images of Life in Hong Kong and Environs”



1992                “Paper-Worlds:  Maps vs. Reality.”  Finding Your Way—The Exploratorium


1990                "Maps:  From Quill to Computer." Cartographic Perspectives


1988                “Mapping the Unknown:  Jesuit Cartography in China, 1583-1773,” AAG's Cartography Specialty Group Occasional Paper #1




1987                Ph.D. Dissertation, Mapping the Unknown:  Jesuit Cartography in China, 1583-1773, Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley.


1982                Master's Thesis, A Dragon on Water, A Worm on Shore:  A Study of Hong Kong's Boat Population, Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley.


1981                Honor’s Thesis (Department of Anthropology), “Analysis of an Acheulian Collection from Peera Nullah, Narmada Valley, India,” in Man and Environment, Vol. V, 1981, pp. 13-31.




2003                “Engaged Learning: Initiating and Maintaining Community-based Learning and Research Projects” for the Symposium on the Engaged University, University of Alaska Anchorage


2003                “Urban Beavers” for the Alaska Natural History Symposium, Alaska Pacific University


2002                “Researchers Discover Hidden Lives of Beavers”, KTUU two-part Assignment Alaska by Rhonda McBride


2002                Women of Science and Technology “Maps and Map Reading” workshop presented to the Girl Scouts Susitna Council


2001                “The Great Jesuit Surveys of the People’s Republic of China, 1705-1759”, presented at the 20th International Cartographic Conference, Beijing, PRC


2001                “Developing a Digital Sea Ice Atlas of Alaska”, presented at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers, New York


2001                “Being a Flat Map in a Round World” a one-day workshop on map projections at the Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference, Anchorage


2001                “Community-Based Learning at the University of Alaska Anchorage” video


2000                “North American Beaver in a Northern Urban Environment”, presented at the annual meetings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Humboldt State University, Arcata, September


1998                “Cultural Value of Maps” colloquia presented at the Geography Department, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA.


1996                “Teaching Real World Cartography” presented at the annual meetings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Sacramento, CA.


1996                “Moorea:  Geographical Research Possibilities in a Tropical Setting” Geography colloquia, University of California, Berkeley, CA.


1995                “The European Cartographic Heritage in China” presented to the Society of Woman Geographers, Oakland, CA.


1994                “Sausalito:  The Evolution of a Waterfront Community” presented at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA.


1993                “Sausalito’s Fluid Lifestyle” presented at the annual meetings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Berkeley, CA.


1988                “Mapping the Unknown:  Jesuit Cartography in China, 1583-1773” presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, AZ.


1985                “Fr. Matteo Ricci:  First Missionary Cartographer to China” paper presented to CMS-SUC'85, an international meeting of the California Map Society and the Society of University Cartographers (UK), California State University at Northridge, CA.


1985                “University Geography at the Secondary School Level Works—and It Might Make a Difference” paper presented to Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, 50th Anniversary meetings, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.




2002-04           Final Judge for the National Geographic Alaska Bee


2001                Organizer of “GIS Day at UAA”, Department of Geomatics in conjunction with ESRI and National Geographic Society,


2001                Co-organizer of GIS Jam sponsored by the Alaska Arc Users Group, Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference, Anchorage


2000                Organizer of “GIS Day at UAA”, Department of Geomatics in conjunction with ESRI and National Geographic Society


1999                Organizer of “GIS Day at UAA”, Department of Geomatics in conjunction with ESRI and National Geographic Society, November


1996                Inservice leader for the Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose’s “Take Another Look” mapping exhibit


1990                Organizer and convener of the California Map Society's Twenty-six General Meeting held in the Geography Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA.


1990                Organizer of University of California, Berkeley, Geography Department's Inservice Day for Social Science faculty in the Richmond and Albany Unified School Districts.


1988                Organizer of University of California, Berkeley, Geography Department's Inservice Day for the Social Science faculty of El Cerrito High School.


1986                Conference Coordinator for “People and Places:  Geographer's World View,” a symposium sponsored by UC Extension, Berkeley, CA.





Association of American Geographers

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers

California Map Society--Life Member

Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) Circumpolar Representative

International Cartographic Association

Phi Beta Kappa

Royal Geographical Society--Fellow

Society of Woman Geographers