David Fraser

Position: Associate Professor
School / Work Unit: Mathematical & Geospatial Sciences
Contact Details: +(61 3) 9925 3265
Location Building: 12
Level: 11
Room: 12
City Campus Portfolio Science, Engineering & Technology
University RMIT University


Bachelor of Applied Science, RMIT University
Masters of Environmental Science, Monash University
Graduate Diploma of Education, The University of Melbourne
Doctor of Philosophy, RMIT University


Director of Research Programs - Geospatial Science
Chair, Higher Degrees Committee, SET Portfolio, RMIT
Research Projects Vietnam - coordinator, Research & Innovation office, RMIT

Areas of expertise

The mapping sciences and environmental data management, with specific emphasis on the application of remote sensing and GIS to agriculture.

Teaching Activities

GEOM2071 - Research Methods
GEOM2123 - Research Project (Cartography)
GEOM2084 - Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry 1

Current Research Activities

David is currently working on the development of a spatial model using satellite imagery and GIS data for groundwater and soil salinity measurement, monitoring and mapping. He is also part of as project team undertaking water management at the Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh City, Hue and Hanoi, Vietnam.

Selected publications

Journal Articles
2007 Fraser & Keogh, The Evolution of Google Online Mapping, The Globe - Journal of the Australian Map Circle
2006, Fraser D, Land and Database Capability Assessment, International Journal of Science and Research (Vol.2 (1), 2006, pp.45-55)
2006, Fraser D & Lamble P, "Groundwater Models and Their Application to Salinity Risk Assessment in Irrigation District", WATER, Journal of the Australian Water Association, Volume 33 No 6, September, pp67-71
2005, Fraser D & Lamble P, "GIS and Its' Application to Water Management", WATER, Journal of the Australian Water Association, Volume 32 No 7, November special issue,
2002, Jiang W and Fraser D, "A parallel satellite image processing approach using a distributed memory MIMD system", Cartography, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 135-144, ISSN00690805.
2002, Lamble P and Fraser D, "Creation of a GIS-Based Predictive Model for Groundwater in the Murray Valley Irrigation region (NSW)", Cartography, Vol. 31, No1, pp33-44,

Refereed Publications
2007 Fraser D, Cartographic Education for Isolated Students Online Professional Development Modules Leading into Bachelor of Science Programs, RMIT 120 AIC conference Melbourne (November)
2006, Fraser D, The Application of GIS to the Determination of Land Suitable for Mining, Proceedings of the Workshop on Spatial Science and Environment Application, jointly sponsored by the China University of Mining and Technology and RMIT University. (Nov 1-4-06)
2006, Fraser D & Be T, An Agricultural Management System Designed to Determine the Capability of Farm Land at the District, Community and Hamlet level in Vietnam, Proceedings Intercarto/ InterGIS12, Berlin. 28th to 30th August
2004, Fraser D. Lamble P, "Creation of a Predictive Model for Groundwater in the Murray Valley Irrigation region (NSW)", International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 2nd Asian Regional Conference, Echuca/Moama NSW Australia - 14th to 17th March 2004
2003, Lamble and Fraser , "Creation of a GIS Based Predictive Model for Salinity Risk in the Murray Valley Irrigation region (NSW)" - Spatial Sciences Conference, Canberra, September, 2003 Conference
2003, Waters M, Fraser D, Martin J, Nugegoda D, Lay J, Thu N X, "Vietnam Australia Water Resources Projects - Research and Education", Paper 225, Proceedings - Hydrology Water Resources Symposium, Wollongong.
2002, Weiqun Jiang, David Fraser , Peter Woodgate, May 2002, "Large Scale SalinityModelling Using Parallel MIMD Computers",[Refereed] MSIA, May 2002.
2002, David Fraser , Paul D. Lamble, "Development of a Predictive Model for Soil Salinity in the Murray Valley Irrigation Region of New South Wales using Satellite Imagery and Ancillary Data", [Refereed], MSIA, May 2002

Conference Proceedings
2007 Fraser D, "Cartographic Uncertainty", XXIII International Cartographic Association Conference, Moscow, 4-10 August
2007 Arrowsmith C & Fraser D, "The International Field Work Experience: A Case Study in the South Pacific", AAG Conference, San Francisco, April.
2006, Zental L. & Fraser D, "The sustainable development" of cartography in higher education according to the Bologna decree", Proceeding of the international InterCarto InterGIS 12 conference, Berlin, Germany, 28th to 30th August, 2006
2006 Fraser D. & Tran Vinh P., "Hydrological Modelling of Natural Water Systems in the Ben Tre Province, Vietnam", Proceedings of the 12th GISnet Conference and Exhibition on GIScience, RS, GPS and Space Science & Technology Applications, August 14th - 18th, 2006, Legend Hotel, Saigon
2006 Zental Laszlo, Fraser David , "Development of the International Cartographic Association sponsored Internet Cartography teaching Programme" FIG Workshop on eGovernance, Knowledge Management and eLearning, Budapest, Hungary, 27-29 April, 2006
2005 Fraser , "Assembly, Management and Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Data Relating to the Water Quality for the Saigon River, Red River, Huong River and the Mekong Delta Systems, Vietnam", Invited to chair session and presented at The 26th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 7-11 November, 2005, Melia Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam
2005, Fraser D, Lee D, "Development of a 3D Georeferenced Groundwater Model for Salinity Management", Conference Theme Area: Cartography and Satellite Imagery for the Management of Natural Resources and the Environment The 21st International Cartographic Conference, A Coruna, 9th to 16th July 2005
2005, Fraser D, Zentai L, "Development of the ICA-sponsored Internet Cartography Teaching Programme", Conference Theme Area: Education and Training in Cartography Internet Courses, The 21st International Cartographic Conference, A Coruna, Spain, 9th to 16th July 2005
2005, Fraser D., "Cartographic Education - Issues We Now Face", Joint ICA Commissions Seminar on Internet Based Cartographic Teaching and Learning: Atlases, Map Use, and Visual Analytics", Madrid, Spain, July 6th to 8th
2003, Fraser D, Report on "Cartographic Education in Australian States and Territories", in the Proceedings of the Seminars on Developing the ICA-CET Internet Cartography Course held at Beijing (China), August 9, 2001 and Helsinki (Finland), May 28, 2002, published for the ICC2003 congress in Durban, South Africa,2003
2003, Fraser D., "Cartographic Visualization and Modeling of Natural Disasters", Proceedings of the ICA 2003 Conference, Durban, South Africa.
2002, David Fraser , May 2002, "Using Available Information to Increase Awareness of Spatial Database Uncertainty", Proceedings of the MSIA 2002 Conference, Melbourne, May 13th-15th.
2001, Fraser D., "Development of a Spatially Based Decision-Making Construct With Application to Rural Land Management", Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference, ICC2001, Beijing, China, August 6-10, Mapping the 21st Century.
2001, Fraser D., "The Development of Modules for the ICA, Commission on Education and Training Web Course on Cartography", Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference, ICC2001, Beijing, China, August 6-10, Mapping the 21st Century.

Further Information

For further information, please visit David Fraser 's website