Map projections
This collection of map projections was made and ordered without taking into consideration any specific cartographic principle: our aim is only to provide some blank graticules that can be used by children to represent their ideas on a map. All the graticules are visible for every 10 degrees latitude and longitude. The examples do not include intentionally the contour lines of the continents: we do not want to give children a previously created template map, because one of the main aims of the competition is "to promote the creative representation of the world", and a template could notably limit their personal creative work. The use of these examples is not compulsory for teachers and children: they can feel themselves free to use other projections or to create their own solutions.
Using Henry W. Castner's words in his material entitled "A teacher's introduction to the Barbara Petchenik International World Map Design Competition": This term "projection" is employed here in its widest sense, from copying or tracing by hand to manipulating by computer the many formal map projections that cartographers have found useful. It is not the intent of the Competition, however, to promote the study of map projections per se, but to give children the opportunity of exploring the many ways that we can think about and represent the world we share.
The 32 examples compressed in a zip file (9 Megabytes) can be downloaded here.
The projections were generated using the Flex Projector and the G.Projector freeware.