Terms of Reference 1999-2003
The commission's four-year mandate and terms of reference are:
Mandate: To improve general cartographic literacy by promoting the discussion about,
awareness of, and research into the problems related to children as map makers and map users.
The terms of reference are:
- To maintain and build upon the Commission's existing international data base
of people working or with interests in mapping and children so that this inventory can be made
available on the World Wide Web, in digital or paper format.
- To enlarge the Commission's select bibliography on topics related to mapping and
children and the various technologies appropriate to generating cartographic images and
solving spatial problems.
- To organize regional workshops or conferences to promote the sharing of
national and regional perspectives, experiences, teaching philosophies, and technologies,
all in order to enhance the abilities of children and teachers as makers and users of maps,
to solve a variety of spatial problems of concern to children. Summaries of these events can
be disseminated through various ICA publications and on the commission's web site.
- To develop closer links with other international bodies concerned with children.
These would include the IGU Commission on Geographic Education, UNESCO, and UNICEF.
- To Identify and provide copies of materials for archiving (Working Group 1995- Present)
- To assist the Executive of the ICA in the preparation of guide-lines, and the organization
of the Barbara Petchenic Map Competition.