This bibliography has been compiled by Patrick Wiegand
on behalf of the Cartography and Children Commission of the International
Cartographic Association.
It consists of references to research and scholarship
on children’s understanding and use of maps as well as references to teaching
with maps published since 1970. The core of the listing consists of books,
chapters in books and papers in refereed journals although some other
publications and significant theses are also included where these are likely to
be readily available for study. The boundaries of the literature are, of course,
blurred. I have attempted to include references on wayfinding, teaching
strategies, spatial cognition (where maps form a key component), school map and
atlas surveys but not works on general geography teaching. Some cartographic
publications are included which, although they have little explicit reference to
children, are considered especially pertinent to understanding children’s
interactions with maps or which seem to offer potentially fruitful areas of
research. Textbooks, map workbooks and school atlases are not generally included
at present but I am happy to include them in due course, possibly in a separate
section. The listing is not at present categorised, although this may be
possible at a later date if time and resources permit.
The listing was first posted in October, 1999 and
initially consisted of references I happened to have on file. The aim was to
create a starting point to which other references could be added. I apologise to
those colleagues whose work is not (or not fully) represented here and for the
inadvertent omission of key publications. I know of a number of active
researchers and writers whose (substantial and important) work is not included
in this listing, simply because I do not yet have it in a convenient digital
form. I hope they will send me details as soon as possible. A few references are
also incomplete. All colleagues interested in this field are invited to send me
missing and new references as well as a note of any errors and incomplete
citations and I will add them (subject to some light editorial discretion) as
soon as practicable. Please use the same citation format as that in the listing.
I would also be delighted to receive copies of new papers on children in maps
either electronically or at :
The School of Education, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT,
United Kingdom.
The bibliography only includes references in English
but colleagues who have similar web-based bibliographies in other languages are
invited to send me details so that I can create links from this site.
Link to Geography
Education home page at the University of Leeds
Amlund, J. T, Gaffney, J. and Kulhavy, R. W.
(1985) Map feature content and text recall of good and poor readers, Journal
of Reading Behaviour, 17(4), pp. 317-330.
Anderson, J. (1985) Teaching map skills: an
inductive approach, Journal of Geography, Part 1: 84(1), pp. 25-32; Part
2: 84(2), pp. 72-78; Part 3: 84(3), pp. 117-122; Part 4: 84(4), pp. 169-176.
Angier, N. (??) Teaching contour reading to
lower secondary aged children using relief models, The Cartographic Journal,
pp. 48-50.
Arnold,P., Sarge,A. and Worrall,L. (1995) Children’s
knowledge of the Earth’s shape and its gravitational field, International
Journal of Science Education, 17(5), pp. 635-641.
Atkins, C. (1981) Introducing basic map and
globe concepts to young children, Journal of Geography, November,
Bailey, P. (1979) Teaching and learning from
landscape and map, Cartographic Journal, 16(1), pp. 21-23.
Bailey, P. and Fox.P. (1996) Teaching and
learning with maps, in Bailey, P. and Fox, P. (Eds.) (1996) Geography
Teachers’ Handbook, Sheffield: The Geographical Association.
Balchin, W.G. (1985) Graphicacy comes of age, Teaching
Geography, 11 (1), pp.8-9.
Balchin, W. (1996) Graphicacy and the primary
geographer, Primary Geographer, 24, pp. 4-6.
Barrell, G.V. and Cooper, P.J. (1986) Cognitive
processes in orienteering: the interpretation of contours and responses to the
map as a whole, Scientific Journal of Orienteering, 2, pp. 25-46.
Bartlett, L and Cox, B. (1982) Learning to
teach geography: practical workshops in geographical education. (Chapter 6). New
York: John Wiley.
Bartz, B. S. (1970) Maps in the classroom, Journal
of Geography 69 (1), pp18-24.
Bausmith, J.M. and Leinhardt, G. (1998) Middle
school students’ map construction: understanding complex spatial displays, Journal
of Geography, 97, pp. 93-107.
Bentley, J., Charlton, W.A.. Goodenough, R.A.,
Price, R.R. and Rawcliffe, J.M. (1975) The Use of Maps in School,
Oxford: Blackwell.
Billett, S. and Matusiak, C. (1988) Nursery
children as map makers, Education 3-13, 16(1), pp. 41-45.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1985) Using maps
in pre-school education, Child Education, 62, pp.26-27.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1986) On the
starting grid: the use of grid references by under-fives, Child Education,
63, pp.27-28.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C. (1986) The
implications of psychological theory and methodology for cognitive cartography,
Cartographica, 23(4), pp 1-13.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1986) Map use in
the environment, and educating children to use maps, Environmental Education
and Information, 5(3), pp.187-204.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1987) Map use by
three and four year old children exploring mazes, British Journal of
Developmental Psychology, 5(1), pp.19-24.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1987) Young
children’s recognition of environmental features from aerial photographs and
maps, Environmental Education and Information, 6(3), pp.189-198.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1987) Young
children’s strategies when using maps with landmarks, Journal of
Environmental Psychology, 7(3), pp.201-218.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C. (1987) Map use by
young children, Geography, 71(1), pp. 47-52.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1987) How do
people use maps to navigate through the world?, Cartographica, 24(3),
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1989) Young
children’s wayfinding: the pedestrian use of landmarks in urban environments
and on maps, Man-Environment Systems, 17, pp.105-112.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1989)
Children’s wayfinding and map using abilities, Scientific Journal of
Orienteering, 5, pp. 48-60.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1989) Young
children’s ability to use co-ordinate references, Journal of Genetic
Psychology, 150, pp.5-18.
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1990) The
development of 3-6 year old’s map using ability: the relative importance of
landmarks and map alignment, Journal of Genetic Psychology, 151,
Blades, M. and Spencer, C.P. (1994) The
development of children’s ability to use spatial representations, Advances
in Child Development and Behavior, 25, pp.157-197.
Blaut, J.M. (1991) Natural mapping, Transactions
of the Institute of British Geographers, 16(1), pp. 55-74.
Blaut, J.M. and Stea, D. (1971) Studies of
geographic learning, Annals of the Association of American Geographers,
61, pp. 387-393.
Blaut, J.M. and Stea, D. (1974), Mapping at the
age of three, Journal of Geography, 73(7), pp. 5-9.
Blaut, J.M., Downs, R.M. and Liben, L.S. (1997) Forum:
the mapping abilities of young children, Annals of the Association of
American Geographers, 87(1), pp. 152-180.
Blaut, J. M., McCleary, G. S. and Blaut, A.
S.(1970) , Environmental mapping in young children, Environment and
Behaviour, 2, pp. 335-49.
Bloomfield, P. (1992) The map: top juniors, Education
3-13, 20(2), pp. 24-29.
Bluestein, N. and Acredolo, L.P. (1979)
Developmental changes in map reading skills, Child Development, 50, pp
Board, C. (1984) Higher order map-using tasks:
geographical lessons in danger of being forgotten, Cartographica , 21(1),
pp 85-97.
Boardman, D. (1983) Graphicacy and Geography
Teaching, London: Croom Helm.
Boardman, D. (1983) On the Map: an
Illustrated Exploration into the World of Maps, London: British
Broadcasting Corporation.
Boardman, D. (1985) Cartographic communication
with topographic maps’, in Boardman, D. (Ed.) New Directions in
Geographical Education, London: Falmer Press, pp. 135-152.
Boardman, D. (1985) Spatial concept development
and primary school map work, in Boardman, D. (Ed.) New Directions in
Geographical Education, London: Falmer Press, pp. 119-134.
Boardman, D. (1986) Relief interpretation, in
Boardman, D. (Ed.) Handbook for Geography Teachers, Sheffield: Geographical
Association, pp.130-138.
Boardman, D. (1986) Map reading skills, in
Boardman, D.(Ed.) Handbook for Geography Teachers, Sheffield:
Geographical Association, pp. 123-129.
Boardman, D. (1989) The development of
graphicacy: children’s understanding of maps, Geography 74 (4),
Boardman, D. (1990) Graphicacy revisited:
mapping abilities and gender differences, Educational Review, 42(1), pp.
Boardman, D. (1991) Developing map skills in
the National Curriculum, Teaching Geography, 16(4), pp.155-158.
Boardman, D. (1996) Learning with Ordnance
Survey maps, in Bailey, P. and Fox, P. (eds)(1996) Geography Teachers’
Handbook, Sheffield: Geographical Association, pp. 117-123.
Boardman, D. and Towner, E. (1979) Reading
Ordnance Survey Maps: Some Problems of Graphicacy. Birmingham: Teaching
Research Unit, Department of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Education,
University of Birmingham.
Bowles, R. (1993) Maps and map-making, in
Bowles, R. (1993) Practical Guides: Geography, Leamington Spa: Scholastic
Publications, pp. 53-76.
Buckler, W.R. (1988) Computer generated 3D
maps: models for learning contour map reading, Journal of Geography,
87(2), pp. 49-58.
Burton, M. St. J.W. (1992) Teaching drawing
skills: straight-jackets, squiggles and strokes, Teaching Geography,
17(3), pp. 125-127.
Castner, H.W. (1981) "Might There Be a
Suzuki Method in Cartographic Education?" Cartographica. 18(1), pp.
Castner, H.W. et al. (1981) Thinking About
Ontario: A Hosford Study Atlas. Toronto and Edmonton: Hosford Publishing
Castner, H.W. and Mansfield, T. Dickson. (1982)
A Key to Thinking About Ontario. Edmonton: Hosford Publishing.
Castner, H.W. (1983). "Research in
Cartographic Communication: Any Implications for Introducing Maps and Mapping to
Young Children?" The Operational Geographer. 2: 13-16.
Castner, H.W. (1987). "Education Through
Mapping: A New Role for the School Atlas? Cartographica. XXIX, Spring: pp.
Castner, H.W. (1990). Seeking New Horizons: A
Perceptual Approach to Geographic Education. Montreal and Kingston:
McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Castner, H.W. (1991). "Three Perspectives
on Cartographic Education," Proceedings, 15th Conference, International
Cartographic Association, Bournemouth, England. I. 28-35.
Castner, H.W. (1991). "Cartographic
Languages and Cartographic Education," CISM Journal. XLV, Spring, 81-88.
Castner, H.W. (1992). "Geography’s
Potential Contribution to General Education," in International Perspectives
on Geographic Education. ed. A. David Hill. Chap. 15, 169-177. Skokie, IL: Rand
Castner, H.W. (1993). "Relating Cognitive
Development to Cartographic Education with a Model of Orientation Space,"
Cartographic Perspectives. #16, Fall, 3-8.
Castner, H.W. (1995). Discerning New
Horizons: A Perceptual Approach to Geographic Education. Indiana, PA: National
Council for Geographic Education.
Castner, H.W. and Anderson, J.M. (Eds.) (1995).
"Orienting Ourselves in Space: Implications for the School
Curriculum?" Cartographica. XXXII, #2, 71pp.
Castner, H.W. (1996) Maps, concepts and themes
in geographic education, in van der Zijpp, T., van der Schee, J. and Trimp, H.
(Eds.) Innovation in Geographical Education: Proceedings of the 28th
International Geographical Conngress Commission on Geographical Education, Amsterdam:
IGUCGE/Centrum voor Educatieve Geografie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, pp.
Castner, H.W. (1997). "Twentieth-Century
Children’s Atlases: Social Force or Educational Farce?" in Images of the
World: The Atlas Through History. ed. John A. Wolter and Ronald E. Grim.
Chapter. 14, 401-417.
Castner, H.W. (1997). "Modifying Our View
of Geography in Light of Research in Spatial Development," in The First
Assessment: Research in Geographic Education. ed. Richard G. Boehm and James F.
Petersen. San Marcos, TX: Gilbert Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education,
Castner, H.W. (2000). "A Functional
Taxonomy for Mapping in Geographic Education," Research in Geographic
Education. I (1):
Catling, S. (1978) Cognitive mapping exercises
as primary geographical experience, Teaching Geography, 3(3), pp.
Catling, S. (1978) The child’s spatial
conception and geographic education, Journal of Geography, 77(1),
Catling, S. (1979)
Maps and cognitive maps: the young child’s perception, Geography,
64(4), pp.288-296.
Catling, S. (1980) Map use and objectives for
map learning, Teaching Geography, 6(1), pp.15-17.
Catling, S. (1981) Mapwork in Primary and
Middle Schools: Bibliographic Notes No.9, Sheffield: Geographical
Catling, S. (1984) Resources for Mapwork in
Primary and Middle Schools, Bibliographic Notes, No.27, Sheffield:
Geographical Association.
Catling, S. (1985) Mapwork, in Corney, G. and
Rawling, E. (Eds.), Teaching Slow Learners through Geography, Sheffield:
Geographical Association, pp. 54-66.
Catling, S. (1988) Building less able
children's map skills, in Dilkes, J.L. and Nicholls, A.
(eds)(1988) Low Attainers and the Teaching of
Geography, Sheffield/Stafford: Geographical Association/National Association
for Remedial Education, pp.25-28.
Catling, S. (1988) Using maps and aerial
photographs, in Mills, D. (Ed.) Geographical Work in Primary and Middle
Schools, Sheffield: Geographical Association, pp. 168-188.
Catling, S. (1990) Early mapwork: mapwork with
five to eight year olds, in De Villiers, M. (Ed.) Primary Geography Matters,
Sheffield: Geographical Association, pp.52-58.
Catling, S. (1990) Resourcing mapwork, Primary
Geographer, 5, 14.
Catling, S. (1995) Mapping the environment with
children, in De Villiers, M. (Ed.) Developments in Primary Geography: Theory
and Practice, Sheffield: Geographical Association, pp. 11-17.
Catling, S. (1995) Going for the globe:
introducing the world to 4-7 year olds, Primary Geographer, 23, pp. 4-6.
Catling, S. (1996) Beginning to map the world, Primary
Geographer, 24, pp. 13-15.
Catling, S. (1996) Technical interest in
curriculum development: a programme of map skills, in Williams,M. (Ed.) Understanding
Geographical and Environmental Education: The Role of Research London:
Cassell, pp. 93-111.
Cornell, E.H. and Hay, D.H. (1984) Children’s
acquisition of a route via different media, Environment and Behaviour,
16, pp. 627-41.
Cross, J.A. (1987) Factors associated with
students' place location knowledge, Journal of Geography, 86(2), pp.
Dale, P.F. (1971) Children’s reactions to
maps and aerial photographs, Area, 3(3 ), pp.170-177.
Dalke, D.E. (1998) Charting the development of
representational skills: When do children know that maps can lead and mislead? Cognitive
Development, 13(1), pp.53-72.
David, D.W. (1990) Big maps - little people, Journal
of Geography, 89(2), pp. 58-62.
Davies, L.S. (1981) Problems in the
identification of some topographic map symbols by uninitiated children: a
preliminary investigation from Zimbabwe. In, P. Wilson, R. Gerber and J. Fien
(Eds.) Research in Geographical Education. Brisbane: Australian
Geographical Education Research Association.
Diana, E.M. and Webb, J.M. (1997) Using
geographic maps in classrooms: The conjoint influence of individual differences
and dual coding on learning facts, Learning and Individual Differences,
9(3), pp.195- 214.
Devereux,P. (1982), Environmental Knowledge
and Map Learning in Boys aged 11 to 16, Unpublished M.A. dissertation,
University of London Institute of Education.
Downs, R. M. and Liben, L.S. (1988), Through a
map darkly: understanding maps as representations, Genetic Epistemologist,16,pp
Downs, R.M., Liben, L.S. and Daggs, D.G. (1988)
On education and geographers: the role of cognitive development theory in
geographic education, Annals of the Association of American Geographers,
78, 680-700.
Evans, L. (1991) Finding your way, Special
Children, January (Special supplement), pp.7-9.
Fitzsimons, D. (1989) Creating effective type
for the classroom, Journal of Geography, 88(2), pp.42-45.
Foley, M. and Janikoun, J. (1996) Mapwork, in
Foley, M. and Janikoun, J. (1996) The Really Practical Guide to Primary
Geography, London: Stanley Thornes, pp. 75-99.
Freeland, K. and Wasson, S. (1990) Helping
young children understand map symbols, Social Studies Texan, 16(1),
Freundschuh, S. (1990) Can young children use
maps to navigate?, Cartographica, 27(1),pp 54-66
Fung, Y. (1992) Effectiveness of gaming method
in teaching grid references and conventional signs: an experimental study. In H.
Schrettenbrunner and J. van Westrhenen (Eds.) Empirical Research and
Geography Teaching, Utrecht/Amsterdam: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig
Genootschap /Centrum fur Educatieve Geografie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
Gerber, R. (1981) Children’s development of
competence and performance in cartographic language. In, P.Wilson, R.Gerber and
J.Fien (Eds.) Research in Geographical Education. Brisbane: Australian
Geographical Education Research Association..
Gerber, R. (1981) Competence and performance in
cartographic language, Cartographic Journal, 18(2), pp. 104-111.
Gerber, R. (1981) Young children’s
understanding of the elements of maps, Teaching Geography, 6(3),
Gerber, R. (1982) An international study of
children's perception and understanding of type used on atlas maps, Cartographic
Journal, 19(2), pp. 115-121.
Gerber, R. (1984) The development of competence
and performance in cartographic language by children at the concrete level of
map reasoning, Cartographica, 21(1), pp.99-119.
Gerber, R. (1984) Factors affecting the
competence and performance in cartographic language for children at the concrete
level of map reasoning, Cartography, 13(3), pp.205-213.
Gerber, R.(1985) Competence and performance in
cartographic language, in Boardman, D. (Ed.) New Directions in Geographical
Education, London: Falmer Press, pp. 153-170.
Gerber, R. (1987) A form-function analysis of
school atlases, Cartographica (Monograph 36), 24(1), pp. 144-159.
Gerber, R. (1992) Is mapping in schools
reflecting developments in cartography and geographical information?, in Naish,
M. (Ed.) Geography and Education: National and International Perspectives, London:
University of London Institute of Education, pp. 194-211.
Gerber, R. (1992) How do students in higher
education perceive maps? In H. Schrettenbrunner and J. van Westrhenen (Eds.) Empirical
Research and Geography Teaching, Utrecht/Amsterdam: Koninklijk Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap /Centrum fur Educatieve Geografie Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, pp.115-133.
Gerber, R. (1993) Map design for children, The
Cartographic Journal, 30, pp. 154-158.
Gerber, R., Boulton-Lewis, G. and Bruce, C. (1995)
Children's understanding
of graphic representations of quantitative data, Learning
and Instruction,5, pp. 77-100.
Gerber,R and Kwan,T. (in press) Asian migrant
adolescents' ability to find their way around suburban Australian streets using
a map, Asian Geographer.
Gerber, R., Lidstone, J. and Nason, R. (1992)
Modelling expertise in map reading: beginnings, International Research in
Geographical and Environmental Education, 1(1), pp.31-43.
Gerber, R. and Wilson, P. (1979) Spatial
reference systems and mapping with eleven-year-olds, Geographical Education,
3(3), pp.387-397.
Gerber, R. and Wilson, P. (1984) Maps in the
geography classroom, in Fien, J. Gerber, R. and Wilson, P. (Eds.) The
Geography Teacher's Guide to the Classroom, Melbourne: Macmillan, pp.
Gersmehl, P. J. and Andrews, S. K. (1986)
Teaching the language of maps, Journal of Geography, 85(6), pp. 267-270.
Ghuman, P.A.S. and Davis, R. (1981) An
assessment of adolescent comprehension of some geographical concepts using
Peel’s theoretical framework, Educational Review, 33(3), pp. 231-240.
Gilmartin, P. and Patton, J. C. (1984)
Comparing the sexes on spatial abilities: map-use skills, Annals of the
Association of American Geographers, 74(4), pp. 605-619.
Goldberg, J. and Kirman, J.M. (1990),
Sex-related differences in learning to interpret Landsat images and in road map
reading in young adolescents, Journal of Geography, 89(1), pp. 15-25.
Gould, P. (1985) Children as geographers
(Chapter 21), The Geographer at Work, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Pp. 253-264.
Gregg, M. and Leinhardt, G. (1994) Mapping out
geography: an example of epistemology and education, Review of Educational
Research, 64, 311-361.
Griffin, T.L.C. (1983) Problem solving on maps
- the importance of user strategies, Cartographic Journal, 20(2), pp.
Harnapp, V. and King, D. (1991) A new look at
making raised-relief maps in the classroom, Journal of Geography, 90(5),
pp. 241-244.
Harris, M. (1972) Starting from Maps,
London: Rupert Hart-Davis.
Harrison, P. and Harrison, S. (1988) Discover
Maps with Ordnance Survey; Master Maps with Ordnance Survey.
London/Southampton: Holmes McDougall/Ordnance Survey.
Hart, R. (1981) Children's spatial
representation of the landscape: lessons and questions from a field study. In L.
Liben, A.H. Patterson and N. Newcombe (Eds.) Spatial Representation and
Behaviour Acroiss the Lifespan (pp. 195-233). New York: Academic Press.
Harwood, D. (1984) Introducing map-work to
ESN(M) children; stage one: an approach through the use of aerial photographs, Remedial
Education, 19(2), 65-72.
Harwood, D. (1984) Introducing map-work to
ESN(M) children; stage two: transferring from aerial photographs to large scale
maps, Remedial Education, 19(3), pp. 113-118.
Harwood, D. (1988) Introducing map-work to
ESN(M) children, in Dilkes, J.L. amd Nicholls, A. (eds)(1988) Low Attainers
and the Teaching of Geography, Sheffield/Stafford: Geographical
Association/National Association for Remedial Education, pp. 29-39.
Harwood, D. and McShane, J. (1996) Young
children's understanding of nested hierarchies of place relationships’, International
Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 5(1), pp. 3-28.
Harwood, D. and Usher, M. (1999) Assessing
progression in young children's map skills’, International Research in
Geographical and Environmental Education, 8(3), pp. 222-238.
Hatcher, B. (1983), Putting young cartographers
"on the map", Childhood Education, 59, pp 311-315.
Hawkins, M.L.(1977) Map and globe skills in
elementary school textbooks, Journal of Geography, 76(7), pp 261-265.
Hayes, D.A. (1993) Freehand maps are for
teachers and students alike, Journal of Geography, 92(1), pp. 13-15.
Heamon, A.J. (1973) The maturation of spatial
ability in geography, Educational Research,16(1), pp. 63-66.
Hennings, G (1981) Understanding time-space
relationships through map construction in the elementary grades, Journal of
Geography, 81(3), pp. 129-55.
Hult, J. (1984) Interest and intermediate
mechanisms in learning via environment, maps and atlases and the cognition of
geographical concepts (review), in Haubrich, H. (Ed.) Perception of People
and Places through Media. Vol. 2. Freiburg: Symposium of the Commission of
Geographical Education.
Jahoda, G. (1963) The development of
children’s ideas about country and nationality, British Journal of
Educational Psychology, 33, pp. 47-60.
Jenks, G.F., Steinke, T., Buchert, B and Armstrong,
L. (1971) Illustrating the concepts of the contour symbol, interval and
spacing via 3D maps, The Journal of Geography, May, pp. 280-288.
Kealy, W.A. (1995) Contextual influences of
maps and diagrams on learning, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 20,
pp. 340-358.
Keates, J.S. (1982) Understanding Maps,
London: Longmans.
Kinnear, P. R. and Wood, M. (1987) Memory for
topographic contour maps, British Journal of Psychology, 78 (3), pp.
Kirman, J.M. and Goldberg, J. (1992) Grade Six
Children’s perception of a map symbol, Journal of Geography, 91 (1),
pp. 38-40.
Kulhavy, R.W., Schwartz, N.H. and Shaha, S.H.
(1982) Interpretative framework and memory for map features, The American
Cartographer, 9(2), pp. 141-147.
Kulhavy, R.W., Pridemore, D.R. and Stock, W.A.
(1992) Cartographic experience and thinking aloud about thematic maps, Cartographica,
29(1), pp. 1-9.
Kwan, T. (1994) Teachers’ perceptual
understanding of mapwork and their style of mapwork teaching at Forms 1-3 in
Hong Kong, Asian Geographer, 36, 94-103.
Kwan, T. (1996) Understanding children’s
intuitive experience and their familiar environment in the teaching of maps. In
R.Gerber and J. Lidstone (Eds.) Developments and Directions in Geographical
Education. Channel View publications, pp. 197-224.
Kwan, T. (1998) Oh, I can use a map to find my
way!, Geographical Education, 11, pp. 29-36.
Kwan, T. (1999) Pre-teenage children’s
vernacular perception and experience of maps in Hong Kong, International
Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 8(1) pp. 5-25.
Lacey,P.J. (1978) Maps and Education with
Particular Reference to Topographical Maps in Geographical Education, Unpublished
M.Sc.(Ed) dissertation, University of Southampton.
Lanegran, D. and Peterson, P.W. (1987) Using
the Seydlitz Weltatlas in the American geography classroom, Journal of
Geography, March-April, pp.64-68.
Lawes,B. (1995) Orienteering for beginners !, Teaching
Geography, 20(3), pp. 122-124.
Lee,J. and Gerber,R. (1999) Hong Kong students'
perceptions of graphs,
charts and maps, Scandinanian Journal of
Educational Research, 43(1), pp.19-39.
Leinhardt, G., Stainton, C. and Bausmith, J.M.
(1998) Constructing maps collaboratively, Journal of Geography, 97,
pp. 19-30.
Liben, L. and Downs, R. (1989) Understanding
maps as symbols: the development of map concepts in children, in Reese, H.
(Ed.)(1989) Advances in Child Development, New York: Academic Press, pp.
Liben, L. and Downs, R. (1991) Developing map
concepts in children and psychologists: going beyond maps as RE-Presentations,
Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Seattle, WA, April 18-20. ERIC document Ed 333 985.
Liben, L. and Downs, R. (1991) The role of
graphic representations in understanding the world, in R.M. Downs, L.S.Liben and
D.S.Palermo (Eds.) Visions of Aesthetics, the Environment and Development:
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